What's the big deal?

The essay below is by Joseph R. Atilano, an authority on popular music.

Why are we so threatened by foreign artists? Aren’t we part of the global market? I have heard that certain local groups and artists would even boycott foreign musicians. What good can this do us? Do these groups think they are protecting the OPM industry or are they just serving their selfish intentions? How really sad to see how desperate some people have become.

There are major reasons why foreign artists choose to come here. For one, we are a viable market. They have a massive fan base and have achieved high record sales. If local groups and artists really want to do OPM a service, then they can come to their senses and support OPM by buying local albums, watching its performances live, stop buying pirated and sub-standard cd’s, and stop stealing money from our own artists striving to make a living. Have we become so reckless that we don’t think of the consequences and the possible results of boycotting foreign musicians? Are we a “hermit kingdom” that we must shut ourselves off from the influx of music from our foreign counterparts and not think of the effects of such a boycott on our own talents performing abroad and making a steady living there? Before we shun others, let’s first ask ourselves: have they done the same to us; have they restricted our artists from performing in their countries, and have they expressed explicitly any hostile feelings towards us? I think not.

In fact, they have embraced talents like Charice Pempengco and Arnel Pineda, just to name a few. Hey, here they were not given the breaks they deserved; neither were they afforded enough opportunities to showcase their talent. But now given the recognition and full support of their talent in yet a FOREIGN land and by a FOREIGN promoter, they are doing really well and are a living statement that Pinoys are so musically gifted they can make it anywhere.

If we really want to make a difference and propel a change in the industry to enable us to compete abroad, to get high album sales and stop losing out to foreign musicians who come, here are my suggestions. Let’s stop passing the blame and just focus on making great music again! The more we deprive our people of exposure to foreign music and artists, the more they will hate and despise those who attempt to bar the entry of foreign artists. Give them the right to decision-making and leave the choice to the listeners and fans.

Don’t rob them of their right to enjoy music whether foreign or local. We can’t force them to watch a concert they don’t like, and why should they? Again, it goes back to freedom of choice regardless of what the “music intellectuals”, the misguided groups and self-conceited artists think. I’m not the only one who feels this way and I know there will always be a group that will remain level-headed and rational. But I can’t speak for others who seek to put the OPM industry in a bad light. Maybe they should think instead of channeling all their strong feelings in a more productive manner and not through acts of desperation.

How I wish I could mention all the local artists who have gone on TV suggesting boycotting foreign musicians and even trying to have a bill passed to limit the number of foreign artists coming over and to disallow them to perform on specific holidays. Is this how far we have gone? Is this how low we will go to save OPM? There are so many unforeseen side effects if a bill like this were to be passed. We claim we are protecting OPM. But aren’t we just protecting our own self-vested interests? If we accuse foreign artists of wanting to make sales and huge earnings, aren’t we, in fact, also after the same benefits and rewards? In the end, all artists have to feed their creativity and meet their financial needs.

One of these days, who knows? We might have a break-through singer or a phenomenal band that will also be in demand overseas and will have albums distributed there too. Wouldn’t we want our own artists to have the liberty to go there on key dates? And as often as the opportunity arises?

Let’s all get back to making great music for everyone to enjoy!

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