The city's pork barrel, a mayor's tool

Recently, I seconded, in this column, the proposition that the pork barrel can be a stern political litmus paper. Many astute political analysts made that observation. They claimed (and I agreed) that if the pork barrel were to be removed from the congressmen and senators, there would be fewer candidates for our legislature. The various reasons given had the tendency to malign our lawmakers but since I am not in possession of any proof of their alleged wrongdoings, I would not go that far.

 When I wrote my second, I pointed out what we all know in our constitution. The legislative department writes the law, the president executes it and the judiciary, in appropriate cases, interprets it. Bringing a noble project like the construction of a new school building is salutary but that is not the real job of the congressman. It belongs to the president. But, by this Filipino invention of an administrative aberration called pork barrel, the lawmaker serves this function of being a financial conduit.

 We further observe that the pork system notwithstanding, there are administrative processes to effect the release of a pork barrel. Since at the top of our political structure is the president, he has ways of controlling this fund. Because of this, the president always has a wherewithal with which to demand the following of lower echelon officials like our legislators. Differently stated, most congressmen toe the line of the president’s political party to ensure the flow of the pork barrel.

 Here, in the city of Cebu, we are told that in the city’s appropriation ordinance, some kind of a pork barrel is also provided. In effect, our city has replicated the national government practice. I do not know how the appropriation language is written but, just like the national model, few million pesos are reportedly allocated for stewardship (this is the best word I can use that theoretically approximates the ideal) by our councilors. All that the councilors would do is identify their pet projects and the funds would be released for their implementation.

 If the congressional pork barrel of the national government is the model, I suppose that the administrative processes set up in making the funds available for disposition by the congressmen are also preserved in our city. Thus, if the president has the final say whether or not unto a congressman, pork funds may be released, the same rigmarole is present in our city. Our city mayor has also a kind of control. So, even if the appropriation ordinance has earmarked a certain amount for the pet projects of the councilor, as he may determine, the ultimate check valve is the mayor.

 I mention this pork system because of the announcement by His Honor, Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama, that he is breaking his ties with the ruling group called the BOPK. One immediate consequence of such a declaration is in the availment of the councilors’ pork.

 Mayor Rama must know how this city pork works. Of course! It may not be in the highest interest of the city residents if he dangles this fund to the city councilors and makes it only available for those who ally with him. But, if his predecessor used the city pork in that milieu, we cannot fault him if he chooses the Sanggunian Panlungsod member to whom the city pork may be released.

 In a news item that accompanied the mayor’s break away announcement, a barangay captain was quoted as saying that four councilors are inclined to go with the mayor. Being inclined to the mayor is not the same as with the mayor. This situation is subject to double talk and at this point in time, the mayor must know who will cast their lot with him.

 One very persuasive political tool the mayor possesses is the pork. I personally dislike it because it is assails my ideals. But I am only an ordinary citizen. The mayor on the other hand, in so many diplomatic ways, can use the mechanism that is already in place in seeing to it that those councilors who declare their political alignment with him get the pork. I bet he can succeed.

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