A lot of good men

Video showing Philippine Army trainees being physically abused by training officers have made its way to YouTube. Half-naked recruits were shown with their backs being flogged with belts by the training officers.

The circumstances of the situation in the video is not known. Whether they were being physically conditioned, whether they were simulating a torture situation should they be captured by the enemy, or if it was just plain fun on the part of the officers.

Whatever it was (the video was apparently shot in 2008), it has drawn criticism from several sectors, most notably the Commission on Human Rights. And rightly so. If this kind of “training” persists and is tolerated by the institution. It is no wonder why certain soldiers act the way they do.

I would liken it to hazing in a fraternity, where a violent rite of passage is required in order to belong to a brotherhood. The armed forces is no exception. They are after all, brothers-in-arms.

 But a sinister indoctrination does occur for some. A vicious cycle that leads to violent tendencies. Because they were subjected to such pain and humiliation, they too must inflict the same.

 For some, there may be no more distinction between trainees and fellow soldiers. Between enemies and civilians. Is it any wonder why there are human rights abuses committed by the military?

 Like the AFP needs another controversy. It is currently in the middle of an image nightmare, where generals are accused of systemically plundering the country’s coffers. Funds meant to be used for the fighting man, were instead funneled for their traveling women!

 Generals like Carlos Garcia and Jacinto Ligot, with special mention of their wives and children. We will never know if Gen. Angelo Reyes was in on the anomalies, as he has since taken his life at the height of the revelations. So aside from the notion that the AFP is breeding future plunderers, it is also incubating future hell spawns!

 Lt. Gen. Eduardo Oban, current AFP Chief of Staff, claims that the days of hazing and initiation portrayed in the video are a thing of the past, and that those in the video have been dealt with. I certainly hope so. Because covering up for your brother is also a fraternity trait.

Who knows if they have received any form of punishment, if any at all. If I know any better, they’re promoted to higher ranks by now. Oban promised reform during his tenure as AFP chief. Indeed, massive reforms, if we are to truly believe that the AFP still has a lot of good men.

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