They're learning English faster

Happy sweet 16th anniversary to Banat News and staff. You’ve come a long way, Baby!

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Fashion news from Paris: “Double bracelets craze hits Europe.” In our place, double bracelets are not new. And their wearing is not a craze. Ask Chief Pat Commendador.

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The double bracelets that I know are no fashion items. They’re police paraphernalia. They always come in pairs. You know, like bow and arrow. Useless each without the other.

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Two high profile lady politicians in Cebu are at loggerheads. Come to think of it, they used to be very good friends and political allies. I said to their backers ... not to worry, guys. They’re good Christians and they’ll soon be reminded of Matthew 5:5 that says: “Love your enemies.”

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My favorite sidewalk philosopher Noy Temyong sidled up to me and whispered: “Sir, sa Bibliya ra na.”

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Time and again I read in the papers about Sir Eddiegul’s insistence that English must be taught in schools. Including the school of hard nuts.

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Yes, in spite of our claim that we’re an English speaking  nation. In fact, the third largest in the world. Kids from other Asian countries who couldn’t even say “ABC” are now learning English fast. Maybe faster than our kids.

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When I attended a gathering of Asian journalists in Bangkok a few years ago, my roommate was an Indonesian from Sumatra. He spoke practically no English. When he met again here in Cebu where he covered the Asean Summit, Dios ko, he spoke impeccable English.

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He told me the teaching of English has been given greater impetus by his government. “My government has been spending lots of money to let our people learn how to speak English,” he said. “Some of us in media are being sent to place like Australia, the Netherlands, etc. to learn English.”

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Because it was in Australia where he was sent for his English lesson, he spoke to me in English with Australian accent. I don’t know what he thought of my Cebuano accent.

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