MCIAA's half million severance pay smells fishy

WHY THE HURRY? Many eyebrows were raised when the MCIAA gave half a million pesos to a retired board member. Many eyebrows were raised even higher at the speed of releasing the cheque, despite the Ombudsman’s order not to so. The corporate secretary even personally delivered it to the retiree’s residence. An Ear observer said, “Mora’g gidali-dali gyud ang paghatag sa tseke. Very fishy.” Too bad that the board member’s 15 years in service would end in a sour note.

RICH AIRPORT? With the ease at which the MCIAA released the half a million cheque, many are now commenting that the airport must be rolling in dough. An observer said, “Sayon ra gud kaayo sila makahatag og half mil. Dato gyud siguro sila. Apan ngano ang CR sa airport wala man lang bisan sabon ug toilet paper?”

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