Wang Wang culture

"Kayo ang boss ko," said simply, sincerely. Finally, we hear this said by one elected by millions of Filipinos to the highest political position in this land. May this promise augur for genuine public service from the new leadership from here on.

Several of P.Noy's pronouncements were met with wide applause and cheers. His mention of "walang wang-wang" to refer to the rather loud and arrogant use of sirens by the so-called privileged in this society met with the most, if not the loudest, cheers and applause of approval from the thousands of Filipinos who flocked to watch the proclamation of their chosen leaders.

The siren or the wang-wang has long been abused in this country.

How many have witnessed seeing ambulances and police cars with their loud siren on, a sound reserved for and signaling emergency situations in honest situations but instead abused and mis-used by those who think they have power to wield, whether imagined or real?

For sure, all of us have witnessed seeing politicians who act as if they own the roads when they travel. Their attitude rubs off on their drivers who think they have the privilege as well of using the siren, even if their bosses are not with them. Even non-politicians who feel they are among the privileged rich and powerful arrogantly use the siren to distinguish themselves from the ordinary masses.

But, pray tell, why should those with wealth and power think they are mightier and deserve to travel faster and to have more access to the road than those without wealth and power?

Why? Because ours is a class-based society.

For so long, our unequal society- where the 'haves' lord it over the 'have-not' - has been accepted as a given. The few rich have been allowed to impose their "rights and privileges" over the majority poor who are, on the other hand, so used to not having any right or privilege and not having anything to own.

Singling out the siren, the wang-wang, may appear superficial for now, sure. However, if pursued more seriously and more sustainably, this simple vow to remove this "abusive" practice of those who think they are privileged and powerful can be a meaningful step to start correcting the excesses of this class-based system.

Beyond the siren, if the abusive and corrupt are also not allowed to proceed as before like the sirens, and who knows, if genuine agrarian reform will also be next in line, then the much-awaited change, in our structure and within our people' hearts and minds, may yet find a more egalitarian society emerging within the near future?

 Disallowing the siren needs a shift of attitude and heart, not only on the part of the new administration. Can you imagine a better society if everyone cooperates to dispense with the use of sirens, on the side of those who have long been used to unrestrained show and abuse of power and wealth and on the part of the powerless and dispossessed who have remained silent and have allowed the sirens and the privileged and powerful have their abusive way for too long a time?

A simple step, no wang-wang in the short run, a very meaningful possibility- no more abusive privileged and powerful later. Not bad for an initial step to take for a nation that longs for genuine change.

Should that happen, deafening and grateful ovation from all for that future reality and achievement by a morally renewed people and nation.

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