Tsinelas-wearing attendees raise eyebrows of rich supporter of losing presidentiable

TSINELAS-WEARING SUPPORTERS. This presidentiable who lost in the May 10 elections have been identified with the rich and intelligent voters of Cebu. The Ear heard that during a gathering of his supporters at a convention center, the usual rich members of society were in attendance. But when a group of people of more humble origin who wore only flipflops or tsinelas entered the hall, the rich supporters lifted their noses in disdain. One society matron was heard saying, “Why are they here? Nag tsinelas ra.”

CANDIDATE OF THE ELITE? Another supporter said, “Sagdi lang gud.” The matron seemed to realize her blunder but dug a deeper hole for herself when she said, “Aw, di man gud. I’m just concerned that our things might get lost.”

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