Fraud or Frame-up? Part 2

If " Hello Garci" continues to haunt GMA and the past presidential elections, for sure, there will be those who will want the same fate to befall the new administration, this time by letting the issue of "Electronic Garci" stick!

Allegations of computer fraud are now escalating as well as the demand to return to canvassing of the manual ballots.

Again, there are several questions to ask related to these allegations.

What are their proof of electronic fraud, where and how did this take place? More importantly, who perpetuated the alleged electronic fraud?

Is it possible that the allegations of electronic fraud (or what is turning out to be a frame-up) were earlier conceived, prior to elections? As it was impossible to stem the survey results, and even more impossible to stop the people from voting in huge numbers for Noynoy, was the idea of casting the seeds of doubt and confusion through fraud allegations conceived to delay or even stop the proclamation of Noynoy as the next president?

Who are probing the so-called fraud allegations? Congress, the GMA-dominated congress. Shouldn't the Comelec be the one doing the investigation into the alleged fraud allegations?

But isn't this the same body tarnished by the Hello Garci incident? Is it possible to get an objective, fair investigation into the so-called Electronic Garci from Congress and Comelec? What about the Supreme Court? Will the GMA-appointees of the Supreme Court be expected to render a fair verdict?

It will not be difficult to see that electronic fraud can be easily proven by these perceived biased institutions. Then, next will follow, the call for the canvassing of the manual ballots.

Again, here, one needs to raise the question of whether the manual ballots as well have not been tampered with. It is also good to remember that all other manual balloting in the past, especially in the last elections, have been tarnished with allegations of electoral fraud.

Who are the experts in "handling" manual ballots? Resorting to canvassing the manual ballots is like asking for the past dirty, dishonest, corrupt electoral process to return and to be accepted, without question.

And if, in fact, the Filipino people do not remain vigilant and will not raise questions about the emerging blatant move to sow doubt and confusion to delay the proclamation of the legitimately elected President and the Vice President, then those who conceived of electronic garci and the fraud allegations will be ready to proceed to their next possible scenarios.

The next moves can mean proceeding with RAFAEL (Restore Arroyo with Failure of Elections) or invoking the constitutional provision for leadership succession. Next in line are the Senate President and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, both from the the GMA dominated Congress:

If the Senate is also prevented from having its Senate President as successor in the event of the non-proclamation of a President and a Vice-President, then guess who will be the next leader of this country? The former President who got elected into congress?

What could have been a grand new beginning, a decisive mandate given by dedicated Filipino voters to the truly elected leaders is now being undermined by the malicious moves and plans of the same greedy evil forces that refuse to relinquish their power and privilege to the genuine choice of the Filipino people. The same dark forces ruled all other elections and electoral fraud in the past. The same dark forces are again raising the ugly face of fraud allegations which they are masters of and which, most likely, their side conceived and created.

Time to call off their bluff. Time for God's forces to prevent the dark forces to control a truly defining moment, a clear, loud mandate for change and a new beginning shown by our people during the last May 10 elections.

Time for all to halt the no-proclamation attempts by those so used to evil and corrupt ways to remain in power and privilege.

Time for all to firmly, confidently, collectively call for proclamation of genuinely-elected leaders so that our country and our people can move on and start anew, finally.

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