In voting for leaders: Choice of who is the lesser evil?

VOTES WASTED? Coffeeshop habitues are often heard discussing about politics nowadays, especially on their choice for president. A group of young professionals gathered at their favorite coffeeshop one evening recenty. The Ear heard many names that floated, among them those that are not frontrunners in many surveys. They had different choices, each trying to convince the other to switch sides. Those backing for the tail enders, listed the many good characters and skills of the two. But their friends who are backing one of the frontrunning candidate told them, “Don’t waste your votes. Dapat kaning duha ra ang pilian. If you don’t want this other person to become president, then vote for ___. He is the only person strong enough to win against ___.

LESSER EVIL. But those supporting the tail enders countered: “So what kind of election will this be? You want us to vote not for our choice of who should be the best person to become president, but who is the lesser evil? Should we just vote for this other one because we hate the other one more?”

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