Letter To The Editor: Church etiquette

Archbishop Socrates Villegas must be congratulated for reminding the churchgoers to refrain from chewing gum, shatting and using cellular phones inside Churches. His position towards the clergy was overdue but as it is said: "Better late than never".

What we are regularly witnessing when attending Mass is beyond the acceptable and both parents and children are showing lack of religious education. It is about time for all concerned - parishioners, parents, children and youth - to be reminded the neccessity - should I say obligation - to respect the House of God as soon as they enter Church.

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the most significant event in the world.. The House of God is not a market place but a place of prayer, meditation. It is not a room for talking, texting, playing, eating and drinking.

In this regard, the "Declaration on Christian Education" proclaimed by His Holiness Pope Paul VI on October 28, 1985 is a very valuable document. Amongst the 12 sections, the section 3 titled "The Authors of Education" is particularly of high value since referring to the responsibility of parents and priests in children's religious education.

It's becoming urgent for the clergy to teach their parishioners how to behave once they enter the Church which is a House of Silence and ensure that a full respect will be strictly observed with regard to their attitude regardless of age and position. We are all equals in front of God.

It will be also necessary for our priests to emphasize about the demeanor, dress and discipline when it comes to dress code. The way people dress when going to Church is insulting to the Lord.

"A woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man, not shall a man put on a woman's garment; for however does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God." (Deutoronomy 22:5)

Archbishop Socrates Villegas official publication is a strong message to all of us, clearly showing how to value and respect the House of God and the Holy Mass therefore our religion, our belief, our faith.

Jean Michaut

Cebu City

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