US One (US1)

Today's title is inspired by the very touching write-up about Martin Nievera's gesture of selling kisses to help raise funds for our country's typhoon victims during their AS1( As one) World Tour with Gary Valenciano.

If you have not read this write-up yet, we suggest you do as it is good for the soul, very good for us all Filipinos. You can access that previous article in The Philippine Star Fanfare column of Ricardo F. Lo (Philstar News Service,

Let me borrow and share some of Martin's most touching statements here.

"I always knew that when Gary and I got together in a concert that there should be more than just history made. I always said that if we ever joined forces, there had to be a cause like the building of a church or the continued research of cures for incurable diseases. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think our coming together in AS1 would ever coincide with the coming together of a country.

AS1 started out to be a great idea for a title, but now it's more than that. It is now a manual for unity and our battle cry. It has become a commandment and a song all at the same time. If the world is watching us now the way they did during past historical events they would learn more about the indestructible spirit of the Filipino.

These are days we will never forget for from out of the depths of the rising waters and the streets of rivers the hero in us all emerged.

We can rebuild and start all over again. That's what we do best. We can do anything as a people together - yes, As One!"

From the time of the funeral services of President Cory to the most recent typhoons, our people have demonstrated our being one. Especially in times of grief, in times of despair and challenges, we have demonstrated our coming together, our support for our own people, within the Philippines, and from all parts of the world. We are continuing to show ourselves that we are part of one great family, that yes, we are proud to be called genuine Filipinos!

Yes, let us always be AS One! Better still, let us all not just be AS One (AS1), let US be one (US 1)!

Not only during trials and difficulties, let everyone see us as one always! US1 always! That should be our slogan in words, in deeds, and in our hearts!

Let that also be the slogan for all aspiring candidates in the next elections.

If they really have the interest of our people in their hearts, they will go on self-reflection and prayer mode to acknowledge honestly where they can help our people best and where they recognize the Lord wants them to be.

AS ONE, we need for leaders to unite, to be AS1 themselves! We need for genuine public servants with moral ascendancy and strong faith in the Lord to emerge as true winners in the next election.

AS ONE, we all need to pray even harder that clean, honest elections will push through and that the moral, genuine public servants will emerge as the clear winners and genuine choices of our people.

AS ONE, we need to pour in more prayers for those candidates who think they are the best leaders that our people need now. Not all of those in the opposition should run as too many of them will divide the precious votes that will oust the overstaying abusive leaders in this present administration.

We understand all the candidates believe that they have the credentials and the heart to be leaders of this nation. However, AS ONE, let us pray that the other candidates will realize that they can still serve our people in some other capacity, not only and not necessarily as President or Vice President of this land.

AS ONE, we need to pray hardest that only the truly deserving and genuine public servants will push through with their candidacy and that the rest will humble themselves, and offer the supreme sacrifice of giving way to other candidates, for the sake of our people, for the sake of a better nation, for the sake of promoting God's agenda for our country and for all Filipinos.

Let us show ourselves and the whole world , that AS ONE, we can truly be US ONE, Filipinos united for Filipinos and for the Lord!

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