Young amateur boxer wants to be called "Flash Ondoy"


A retired World War II veteran, now nearing 90, is shaking his head at the present Senate’s posturing on the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) issue. He calls it Quezonian behavior. “Nahinumdom mo ni Quezon? Wa siya ganahi sa mga Amerikano dinhi sa Pilipinas,” the war veteran recalls. “Ug mahinumdom mo unsay iyang gisulti? ‘I prefer a government run like hell by Filipinos to a government run like heaven by Americans.” He goes on: “Kon buhi pa si Quezon malipayon tingali kay ang atong gobyerno gipadagan morag impiyerno.”

BOXER’S RING NAME. An amateur boxer in an Eastern Visayas province wants to carry the ring name “Flash Ondoy” after the powerful tropical typhoon. His cousin who has a business concern in Cebu said: “Nagpatato na man gani og ‘Flash Ondoy’ sa iyang bukton.” With that name, the young boxer hopes to flatten all opponents on the ring.

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