For Susan

We noticed her name first in the title of a column, Susan Fernandez, Our Nightingale. Susan’s face appeared in our thoughts and we smiled. Susan probably had a recent singing engagement and that column was a tribute to her voice and powerful singing, we surmised.

Next, we saw another write-up about her. The title escapes us now but that title certainly confirmed that Susan had gone on to the Lord at the young age of 52. We had hoped that the 2nd article was about another person who happened to have the same name as Susan Fernandez, but as we read on, we knew for sure that it was our friend Susan Fernandez-Magno who had indeed succumbed to ovarian cancer.

Last time we met her at the University of the Philippines Center for Women Studies, she looked so healthy. It therefore came as a shock to learn that she had the much-dreaded C. Subsequent communication with common friends informed us that Susan had preferred to go alternative to combat her cancer. Some friends thought she would have been given more lease on life had she agreed to chemotherapy.

But though we grieve now that she has gone, we also know that she is happiest now where she is, with the Lord. While it was sad to know that she had gone, it was reassuring to know that she left as she wanted to: In her own very poetically, artistically beautiful style. We were told that her singer friend, Lester Demegillo, sang her favorite song: From Both Sides Now and she breathed her last just when the song was ending!

I only heard her sing once, the last time we met. With a very powerful voice but her own unique way of sweetly singing the Filipino version of Bridge Over Water and other songs, she easily captured the crowd’s attention who clamored for more songs from her. She was there to lend support to the fund-raising activity organized by Prof. Carol Sobritchea for a sick person whose family could not afford the costs for his treatment.

That was Susan’s style. With her rich background, she could have been a famous singer. With her charming looks and beautiful features, she would have easily been a singing sensation. But Susan preferred to sing, gratis, especially for those who were in need. Susan also was a very powerful singer during protest rallies and demos. She was the singer for the masses, for the Filipino people although she came from the other side: The more privileged sector.

Like everyone else, she had her ups and downs. Yet, when she started to sing, she was in control and she controlled everyone else’s attention. We were heartened to learn after her passing away that in her last moments, she was surrounded by love and attention by those she loved as well. At least, we knew that the bitterness that she shared with us when we last met had been resolved, that she left this world with peace and love in her heart amidst the people who meant most to her.

She left hearing her favorite song but for sure, she herself was singing the song as she moved on from this world to where the Lord is. Now, for sure, she is singing for and with the heavenly choir up above. And she is singing forever with much happiness and peace and love.

We have Susan’s voice and face in our hearts and of course, her songs.

Sad though we may be, we know that she is very happy now singing not only her favorite, both sides now, but we are sure she is singing now that she understands and knows real life, eternal life with the Lord.

Many are missing you, our dear Susan, most especially those whom you have touched with your voice, your songs, your sweet smile and ways, and your generous time and help.

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