Cebu ports should be tourist friendly

Prey On Tourists. With President GMA signing the National Tourism Policy Act of 2009 and Cebu named recently as the top tourist destination of the country, it is now expected that Cebu would put into measure ways to provide convenience safety for visiting tourists. But last week, a group of tourists who came from Bohol told The Ear that it is very difficult for tourists entering Cebu because they are easy prey for snatchers, swindlers and taxi drivers who demand a high price. The group took a taxi from Pier 1 to SM but they were asked for P300 by the taxi driver.

Long Walk. Another tourist complained that there were no taxis allowed to enter Pier 4. He said, “I thought Cebu wanted more tourists? Now we have a long walk in either hot sun or heavy rain! Just great for those with heavy baggage!”

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