Statement - Lenten Challenge

The Interfaith Justice and Peace Network is united with the Christian world in striving for a more meaningful celebration of Lent, the annual season that continually calls us to repentance and conversion. In the midst of our present situation in our country, the urgent call for conversion entails radical change of our mind and heart by taking a strong stand with the cry of the poor, oppressed and exploited people in our society whom Our Lord proclaimed the message of salvation liberation.

Our Lord Jesus Christ is weighed down by the weight of the cross in the same way that the Filipino people are weighed down by poverty, joblessness, and landlessness due to massive corruption and unjust socio-economic and political condition under GMA administration.

Then, as we stand witness today to the alarming resurgence of extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances, and other forms of human rights violations, we remember that our Lord Jesus was himself also put to death. He suffered and died as a subversive, a threat to national security, for the simple reason that he stood with the plight of the poor: "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint, dill, and cummin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith. It is these you ought to have practiced without neglecting the others". (Matthew 23: 23).

As we reflect on the His suffering in the Calvary, we are being challenged not just to see the sufferings of the poor people in our times but like the women in Jerusalem and Simon of Cyrene they journeyed with Jesus in His sacrifice for God's reign of justice and peace especially for our poor and oppressed brothers and sisters. As people of resurrection we should remember that Christ did not remained captive of suffering and death.

Finally, as Christian we must not allow any form sinful and oppressive situation under the present Arroyo administration to continuously enslave the Filipino people. We should resurrect as people with hope that change is possible to happen if we march as one in our struggle towards renewal and social change.

Bro. Gilbert S. Billena, O.Carm

Interfaith Justice and Peace Network (IFJPNet)

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