Letter To The Editor: Reaction to editorial "Official Cruelty"

This is in reference to the news release dated January 25, 2009 which shows on its front page a picture of City Pound workers catching a stray dog, labeled as “Official Cruelty”, followed by a write up “This is how workers at the city pound catch stray dog. The dogs are later gassed to death with toxic fumes from vehicle exhaust pipes.”

As the City Veterinarian of the Cebu City Government, I would like to bring this matter into your attention that such news release offended my office and the Cebu City Government as well.

The write up that followed is even misleading as it does not qualify the dogs gassed to death. It must be remembered that catching of stray dogs is one of the services provided by my office not for the purpose of embarrassing pet owners but to protect the people and the community from rabies contamination.

We extend animal and public health services with honesty and sincerity thereby abiding laws and applicable regulations. We properly observe and follow applicable laws and regulations which in itself do not allow cruel treatment to animals. This negates “Official Cruelty”.

Furthermore, the manner of disposal of these dogs is in accordance with City Ordinance No. 1802, otherwise known as “An Ordinance Further Amending Ordinance No. 1611”, as amended by Ordinance Nos. 1622 and 1682, otherwise known as “An Ordinance Consolidating the Ordinance on Public of City Pound Rabies Control in the City of Cebu under the Office of the City Veterinarian” and R.A. 8485, otherwise known as “The Animal Welfare Act”.

In other words, not all dogs are later gassed to death with toxic fumes from vehicle exhaust pipes as stated in the news. They are not immediately gassed to death since the pet owners are even given the opportunity to claim their pets. Some dogs are even allowed for adoption to capable adopters as long as we are satisfied that the dogs will be taken cared of.

We are following proper protocol on the manner of disposal. We are doing what the law mandates us to do in accordance to how it should be done. It would be a better idea to ask our office every detail on this concern before feeding the public with such wrong information.

I am hoping that this matter be given due consideration by your office. I know that we both adhere to fair and honest media release and I believe that you don’t have the intention to mislead the reading public.

Thank you for your kind attention.

(Sgd.) Alice T. Utlang, DVM

City Veterinarian

Department of Veterinary Medicine and Fisheries (DVMF)

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