If you can't pay it back, then 'say it back'

I have more than once encouraged readers to be “encouragers” and to express your appreciation for the blessings and the things that people bring to our lives.

One morning as I was “puttering” around my car, a young man I had known for several years passed by and knowing he had just become a father “recently”, I congratulated him on his transformation and apparent efforts at being more “mature”.

You see, the young guy used to be on the wild side and as much as his parents loved him and tried to “fix” his problem, it simply was a case that only God, time and destiny could correct.

Destiny was about becoming a “young” father and suddenly being responsible for someone else’s needs besides yourself. Somehow having something really important and real to be responsible for, reset the young man’s heart and mind.

All that was wonderful but having a changed heart and a mature mind does not alter the economic condition of your wallet. So the young man still had to depend on the natural generosity of his parents who have become doting grandparents.

The young guy unabashedly shared with me how his parents have provided for every need and how embarrassed he has become because of the financial burden on his parents all over again. It was at this point he said, “I wish that I could somehow pay back even a small portion of what they have unselfishly provided”.

That’s when I heard myself saying, “Don’t try to pay it back, say it back”.

Like him, I have been the recipient of much kindness. Time and again God has used so many people through the years to bless my family and myself in many ways and through many favors. But how does one return or repay what essentially are acts of kindness?

As simple as an advice, as complex as a consultancy, as unexpected as a hosting job, as surprising as a project car or a daily driver, these are but a few of the gifts I have received. They have been given out of friendship and out of trust and sometimes just as an expression of encouragement or confidence in what we believe or what we hope to achieve.

This year I have been blessed with the gift of trust: from readers like you. I have never had the pleasure of knowing you or shaking your hand, yet your trust is an honor I cannot pay back so allow me to “say it back” by saying thank you.

This year my wife and I have been blessed by the gift of trust from a handful of men and women who shared in our efforts to help 6 children and 1 young lady pay for their tuition for the year. Our reward was accomplishing the goal; our privilege was to have been trusted and to have worked with those men and women.

For many years, I have received from the kindness of my Mother who faithfully and generously gives me collateral free loans with no guarantees of repayment. Yes, she’s my mother but she is also my Central Bank when jobs are few and far in between. I have been blessed and I thank you “Mom”.

This year I suffered from very severe back pains that trusted physicians could not seem to figure out and I faced very difficult and scary options but through an act of concern and kindness, someone went out of her way to buy some “nutritional supplement” that I tried more out of desperation and trust. Because of her random act of kindness, I am almost pain free on a daily basis. Random acts of kindness can’t be paid back, but I say it back by saying “salamat, bunso”.

How do you pay back someone who acts and works like your “Manager” unabashedly finding and negotiating jobs for you while you writhe in embarrassment yet praying that her half-cooked plans do prosper because you need the job like you need blood in your veins? I can only write how much I truly appreciate the commitment and the support and how I pray that God would give her hearts desire.

This year has been a financial photo finish for me, where I learned about financial discipline, the virtues of being an “Ilocano”, and the adventure in studying and living by the book “The Store house principle”. But before all that, I was blessed with the trust and confidence of an organization that gave me the opportunities to build bridges and mend fences. Little did they realize that they too were being used by God to meet my needs with integrity and professionalism. Thank you for trusting and believing.

Late this year I wrote about my rekindled relationship with my “GODFATHER”. That has proven to be a cause for thanksgiving. To discover that underneath our hurts and our pride are deeper more important things. Things like being part of a family. When the mountain comes to Mohammed, the only thing is to bow in awe and humility. Thanks “Ninong”.

On the first day of 2008, I remember very clearly being led by my bible reading that I should make an effort to be a “Shepherd” and in so doing, my flock will be a blessing to me. Sometime in May I got together the members of the “After Market Mafia” a bunch of successful young businessmen, along with their associates in PR and Motoring Media.

They became what has become known as the Thursday group who eat and drink and discuss leadership, God and biblical principles. At the risk of being disappointed, being ridiculed, and subjected to rebuke and discipline, they have trusted me with their dreams, their fears, and their failures.

This level of trust is the trust that is beyond blood brothers. It is of the spirit. How does one say thank you? I really can’t and maybe I shouldn’t. Simply put I can’t pay it back but I will pray it back because that’s even better than “Saying it back”.

To all of you out there and who gets to read this….Thank you and God Bless.

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