‘Excessive use of force’

The latest appointment of the multi-talented chameleon named Romulo Neri as administrator of the Social Security System would be termed by veteran cops as an “excessive use of force”. In basketball it would be an offensive foul called “forcing through”. But for the SSS as an institution, Neri’s appointment is nothing less than a confirmation that the glorious past of the SSS is now torn, tattered, soiled and stained!

It took men like Gilberto Teodoro Sr. many years of hard work and dedication to the point of being accused as “kuripot” and “kulit” just to make sure that the SSS attained “world class standards of excellence”.

As an SSS “baby” I wandered the corridors of the East Avenue building, I joined a few departmental outings and as many Christmas parties under various administrators. For several years, I even helped feed the KOIs (carps) which were the pride and joy of the Building. So I speak with authority in saying that through the years many employees of the SSS proudly worked for the institution that functioned just as well as big private sector companies.

That unfortunately has become a thing of the past. The heritage of success of the SSS has apparently become its curse as many would be appointees mistake the SSS as a veritable treasure chest of low key comforts and luxury. SSS administrator is a convenient posting for those never good enough to be secretary of Tourism but highly useful for those who want to be in the public or political limelight.

Some political analysts have even claimed that the once untouchable funds of the members have often been subjected to money market manipulation, which benefited those in power or used as transition funds for election campaigns.

The fact is if left to their own, without politically appointed administrators, the SSS would function quite well. The officers and rank and file are quite professional and competent and can easily service the many needs of its members. What the SSS does not need are political appointees who will disrupt, disappoint and discourage the career employees. The SSS is certainly no place for Neri whose appointment quickly reminds me of the classic statement from the era of the Marcos dictatorship: “What are we in power for?”

Romulo Neri’s appointment is undeniable proof that the Arroyo Administration will shamelessly disregard the public sentiment even if it is tantamount to politically pouring salt on an open wound! Beyond audacity, the decision is almost stupid considering the many other choices and the advantage of being discreet and avoiding conflict with the public.

Whoever suggested the SSS appointment is suspect of trying to jeopardize the stability of the Arroyo government or is openly thumbing their nose at the opposition and the Senate for their failure to nail Neri.

As for Romulo Neri, his past indiscretions with the administration and the opposition has caused so much disruption that wisdom would dictate that he decline the appointment and settle for being an untitled adviser to the President. If you can’t get out of the kitchen, just settle for being the dishwasher.

Congratulations to the pedal rebellion

The petroleum players sheepishly admitted that their recent measly P1 price reduction on gasoline was an effort to win back consumers who had begun to cut back on their fuel consumption. In his statement Fer Martinez of the independent petroleum players (the guys who never kept their promise to sell much, much lower than the big three) admitted that motorists had effectively reduced sales by 5 to as much as 10 percent.

That my friends, is about one fourth of their clear profits! Not only did we hurt them where it hurts we actually got them to admit publicly that consumer decision has forced them to respond to the pressure. This however is not enough since some brands are even capitalizing on our desperation by peddling or marketing “efficient fuel”: gasoline that gives you better mileage! If this Octane fueled vampires actually cared, why do they have to sell it as an option and not as a feature? What it is, is BS.

The fact is not everyone has joined the rebellion and we are not even organized to the point of calling for carless days, staggered work hours to reduce vehicle volume, companies setting up transit systems or their own buses and carpools, or shooting for 30 % reduction in vehicular travel.

If you want to join this rebellion you have to have a plan. Study your driving or commuting patterns as well as vehicle condition. Choose what is driving distance and what is walking distance. We increased mileage by freewheeling and driving between 80 to 90 kph. Plan your schedule the day before: your route and time of driving to avoid waste delay and traffic.

If you do a car pool choose the most efficient vehicles. If your company does not have a 9 to 5 setup you might be able to arrange with commuter vans to service your office since they want the added business on off peak hours. Try to have “relaxed” time-in on Saturdays so people can commute instead of drive or just chuck two Saturdays out the window and give yourselves a rest.

 One of the things we have done is use our driver’s scooter for errands where traffic would be a problem. The driver is relieved not to be stuck in traffic and is happy for the full tank of gas he gets while you spend less time and less money for gasoline.

All you have to do is spend a little time studying your system as well as your option. In the electricity consumption area, I discovered that the water pressure from Manila Water is so strong it can pump the water to the fourth floor. So, we bypassed our water pump and expect to cut long-term costs. Share what you know and help others.

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