They're talking millions

Like what I often do, I run to the kids each time I need to start this column on a pleasant note. Like this morning, I'm picking up some items from Art Linkletter's best-selling book "Kids Say the Darndest Things!" where some kids were asked about some bad manners to watch out for at the table.

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One kid said: "Don't throw food under the table if there's not a dog under there, because it'll rot."

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From another kid: "Don't talk with your mouth full 'cause you might choke to death." And from yet another: "Don't put your food in other people's drinks."

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A little girl said: "Don't use your dress for a napkin when your mother's looking." And from still another girl: "Never throw pies in the company's face."

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And finally, one boy said: "Ask for extra helpings instead of scraping the bottom of the plate till all the picture's worn off."

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Seriously (a little bit anyway), Comelec chairman Ben Abalos is not afraid to face the angry senators in a hearing on the ZTE case. That's a mark of bribery, er, bravery.

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They're talking millions in pesos and dollars in the ZTE scam. Easy money for some people until a killjoy came along and blew the whistle. Tsk-tsk!

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These guys on the ZTE drama are getting millions on a silver platter. Us poor guys have to look for P900,000 before we could start a million.

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Email from Nombrado Juinio, a Boholano in Manila: "It looks like the government, specifically Malacañang, is begging Erap to accept its pardon offer. And Erap is making it appear he's not about ready to accept the pardon."

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Mr. Juinio continues: "If Erap doesn't want to be pardoned, my God, don't pardon him and let him rot in jail (not in his posh resthouse). Why is Malacañang so eager to pardon a convicted plunderer?"

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Chipping in his two cents view on this issue, my friend Leonardo "Daido" Angel says: "Nganong naninguha man gyud sila nga ma-pardon si Erap? Dili ba gyud ta makapapriso og plunder convict?"

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