Letter To The Editor - Reaction to Ballescas'' column

I would just like to comment regarding Ms. Cherry Ballescas column titled CICC, roads and more, dated April 18, 2007.

I wonder if she has been reading the local newspapers months ago but just failed to read those which related some of Gov. Gwen Garcia''s various projects including those photos of said infrastructure and other projects involving eletricity, roads, water and other under the governor''s 12-point agenda.

She is a well learned lady and must have known those facts which saw prints on local papers and even radio and tv reports. And why not going to the nothern and southern parts of the province to see for herself the big improvements of those once dirt roads that were asphalted others concreted and wooden bridges that were turned to concrete? Not to mention those water systems and electric power in various barangays which are now benefiting the residents in the province.

Let us not put these things to personal matter Ms. Ballescas just because we failed realize our desire.

Thank you.

Diosdado S. Cayme, Jr.
Tabunok,Talisay City

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