Are the Americans pressuring GMA to release Smith?

We have had a love - hate relationship with the Americans ever since World War II – so what else is new? Despite this, it is quite obvious that we will always be friends and that’s that!

The recent news on the conviction of Lance Cpl. Smith will once again test the strength of our relationship with the US. To many Filipinos, Judge Pozon is a hero risking his profession and (maybe) his life to such a decision. As you know the Visiting Forces Agreement stipulates a law that is quite clear. This law clearly states that Smith should still be under the US custody until all hearings for the case is still on-going. But Pozon is still out there fighting it for what he believes to be "just".

I admire the determination of this judge. Despite the orders of Secretary Gonzalez to follow the VFA laws – he still persist with his fight. How I wish our justice system will carry on such will and character, so that the oppressed can also be heard — not just the "moneyed" population.

I have a strong feeling that the Americans are pressuring our government. Of course, they also have a right to do this. But the government seems very submissive and in television we can see how our government seems to be kissing ass (oops sorry about that).

It’s just sad that when we have a problem with the US Courts, we cannot get away with their laws — our voices are not even heard. Now that the US has a snag in this case, they are trying to turn the tables to their favor. Let us see what the sudden turn of events will bring to us. It is quite amusing to follow. Abangan ang susunod na kabanata. In the meantime, Judge Pozon, continue to fight for what you believe is right, without question or doubt. As for the many Pinays out there, make this be a lesson to all. Do not throw yourselves to foreigners who may just exploit you, you may be the next "Nicole".
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Now that the CHA-CHA, CON ASS, CON-CON is turned to the silent mode, I hope all congressmen and senators truly reflect on the direction they want for our country. All these assemblies from the past weeks have given us a big migraine – since most of the time we could not understand what you guys were arguing about. Can someone help us and explain what’s up? How I wish the President can explain what she really wishes for our country in a clear way. This way, maybe the people will hear her voice and all the more support her cause. But right now, she seems to be avoiding the topic and leaving all the work to Speaker De Venecia. Kawawa naman! He is getting all the blame. Of course, I know he may have motives or dreams for himself – but that is always part and parcel of politics. C’mon aren’t all politicians the same? Don’t be fooled by people from the left and the right – they are all the same. What we really need are politicians who truly love their country and will work toward progress. We need people who will be able to balance their actions and decisions – not those who shouts all the time and look for debates or who seem not to know good manners and right conduct. This is not about who is more intelligent or witty, it is about ACTION, WILL and DETERMINATION.

So, I suggest that all congressmen and women go back to their roots, to their provinces and observe, analyze and evaluate their systems. Talk to the common people. Experience life in your provinces and see the hardship of your people. You need to build your own provinces for they are the backbone of our country. Once you have made your province progress while working with the local governments, return to the halls of the congress where you are now better equipped and prepared to improve the laws of the land. By doing your assignments, you will be able to contribute into the reconstruction of the new constitution which surely will be more practical and updated to our present needs.

I write about this because there are many congressmen who really just "sit pretty" during assemblies and when asked a question – they do not seem to know what is going on. What a shame for they were the ones voted into congress by their people because of popularity and not ability. There are many who belong to such breed – check out your representative. Remember our country will not ever prosper which such breed of politicians. Elections are coming soon, we Filipinos must do our part as well. It is our duty to chose the best candidate we believe can help our country move forward – let us not be deceived by false "prophets".

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