Five years after 9/11

First of all we are very glad that to date there has not been another 9/11 attack in the United States. The 9/11 attack was, as far as we are concerned, even worse than Pearl Harbor. The main difference is that Pearl Harbor ushered the second World War and that so far there has been no repeat performance of the 9/11 attack. But even top officials believe that a second 9/11 attack is not a matter of if but when. If a second attack has not occurred, it is not because terrorists have abandoned their activities but due to the fact rigid security measures are being strictly enforced.

Only last month, intelligence operators exposed the plot to bomb the planes that were travelling from London to New York. An indication of how well-organized terrorists were in fact was the plot to blow up all the 10 planes at the very same time. One can only imagine the effect on the whole world if such a plan had succeeded. Fortunately, counter-intelligence was even more organized and effective than the terrorists. We will be very happy if all future 9/11 terrorist attacks can be prevented by superior intelligence work.

Terrorism cannot solve any of the world’s problems. It can only make existing problems worse for the world – including the terrorists. No problem can be solved by senseless destruction. What we need is international cooperation. World problems are the same for the Christian, Muslim, Buddhist and Hindu world. What we dream of seeing is peace and order with justice prevailing worldwide.

A fact that many people still have to accept is that the world is now a global village. It is, of course, modern technology that was responsible for converting the world to a village. Filipinos, for instance, are now one of the most dispensed people in the world. And the good thing is that we are well-received everywhere. It was sad that many overseas Filipino workers had to be repatriated because of the Middle East conflict. But that is only temporary.

In the Philippines, we have been very lucky that we have had no major terrorist attack. True, we have had isolated cases, but the major cities have been spared. Our present disasters are the Mayon volcano eruption and the Guimaras oil spill. Both will be solved in time.

What we can really do is set the example of good Muslim and Christian relations. If you read the Bible and the Koran you will readily see that both religious can co-exist in peace. Both extol one’s love for God and his fellowmen. Let us have peace in our time. Together we can build a better world.

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