Statement - The All-Pinoy GSM Organization's stand on illegal cellphone trade

In growing national concerns of the rampant cellphone snatching and proliferation of cellphone illegal trades and activities, we, The All-Pinoy GSM Organization, Inc. with 15,000+ strong members nationwide and worldwide, consist of cellphone shop owners, cellphone dealer and repair technicians, support the government's newly created Task Force headed by Deputy National Security Adviser Virtus Gil in coordination with the National Telecommunication Commission (NTC) and the Philippine National Police (PNP).

On the proposal for the setting up of a Cellular Phone Registration System (CPRS) they said only a reliable CPRS would discourage cellphone theft and illegal resale because stolen units can be blocked out of cellular networks and traced once reported stolen. Our organization's stand on the issues

1) Cellular Phone Shops and repair technicians are the frontliners/receivers in this activity. But only those irresponsible individuals are tolerating these. Our organization is absolutely behind the crusade of eradicating these illegal practices of non-member technicians and shop owners.

2) The government, the police ranks and the media should not put all the blame on the technicians and cellphone shop owners. They are not cohorts of the criminal elements, they simply do business. Snatching and using of cellphone in terroristic activities first and foremost are police matters.

3) Cellular Phone IMEI (Serial number of both in and out of the unit) can be tampered with ease using some computer software and equipment.

4) Blocking of phone to any network, are not guaranteed solution. 5) Regarding "whitelisting" of phone's IMEI, those non-registered phone and its IMEI will have no network and access here in our country. Including those imported or sent to us by our relatives and friends from overseas, unless legally registered to the network.

6) Simcard module, especially those of prepaid subscription, can be technically registered depending on their number but based on our experience its impossible to trace the owner unless they will obey the government and help the Task Force. Actions to be taken into consideration

1) The organization will be willing to help in monitoring GSM (Galing Sa Magnanakaw) Units, through the help of the members shops and technicians that will surely encounter these.

One way is to have our own database of reported stolen units' IMEI or we can cooperate with the NTC. Should the unit be verified on the database to be stolen, the member will then ask assistance of the nearest Police Station for the turnover of the unit and the perpetrators. We may ask the Task Force for some directives on proper 'on-the-spot' handling of such scenario wherein the organization member is face to face; with the thief/thieves or the owner of the stolen cellphone unit.

2) The organization will help in gathering IMEIs of stolen units. As we all know, the NTC's method of implementation in blocking stolen units is synonymous to a "speeding turtle". We may suggest to the Task Force that through our organization, we can speed up the reporting of stolen units. Through our member shops and technicians, we can act as "blotter station". Since member shops and technicians are scattered nationwide, victims of theft and snatching will have easy access. The victims, with their proper documentations (receipts, boxes, identification cards and the likes), can go to the nearest member shop and technician to report the theft. We, in turn, report to the Task Force, through the Internet, then send the photocopy/original documents by Courier. The rest will be on their jurisdiction.

3) The organization will not tolerate its members conniving with thieves and snatchers. Any member shop or technician found to have possession of 'GSM' units will be turned over to the authorities for legal actions. Likewise, dismemberment will be imposed to violators so as to show our support for the CPRS of the Task Force.

4) Regarding IMEI changing and its critical role in the implementation of the CPRS, the organization might as well explain to them the real score behind it.

We believe that the success of the campaign needs collective efforts between our organization TAPGSM, the Task Force, NTC, MEDIA and the PNP. As our initial move, we're willing to sit down and have a public dialogue on these issues to discuss the issues and our willingness to help both the government and the people.

(Sgd.) Edgar Mejia
Founder/Administrator - The All-Pinoy GSM Forum
National Chairman - The All-Pinoy GSM Organization, Inc.

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