Letter to the Editor - So the people may know

I am writing this letter if only to set the record straight, in the simplest most straightforward way. My intention is not to contest all those growing letters of commendations coming from politicians and other interest groups, giving support and calling for the retention of Atty. Lourdes Mangaoang as District Collector of Customs for the Port of Cebu. There is such a thing in law as "res ipsa loquitor" meaning a thing speaks for itself.

If Mangaoang is such an exemplary Collector and Topnotch performer as she pictured herself to be, how come the records do not reflect marvelous and wondrous claims in full-page Ads paid for in different newspapers.

Coll. Billy Bibit who in his watch had not gotten so many plaudits as Mangaoang, had the following record of performance:

a) For the month of January 2005 the target was P269,289,000. He was able to collect P279,678,881.94 or a positive performance amounting to P10,389,861.94.

b) For the month of February 2005, the target was P259,544,000. He was able to collect P263,624,000 or a positive performance of P686,878.65.

c) For the month of March, the target was P312,311,000. He was able to collect 997,878.65 or a positive performance of 686,878.65.

Mind you, unlike Mangaoang's watch, I am not attempting to picture Bibit in glowing colors. I am just stating a simple and downright fact that one of the most criticized Collector in his time was able to bring to the depleted reserves of the government a total amount of P15,156,773.67 of income over and above the target for the first quarter of 2005.

In contrast, look at the attached Collection Report which records the accomplishment of this alleged outstanding performer. For August 2005 up to February 2006, Mangaoang is more than One Hundred Million Pesos (P100,000,000) below the assigned target. She may hem and haw about increased target but statistics show that she has been weighed by performance scales and found wanting. Never in the history of the District Port of Cebu that a negative deviation for seven straight months has been recorded. I should know this, I was there for five years (1993-1998).

Collector Mangaoang could attack me personally for all I care. She could unleash all her paid hacks and dig up all kinds of dirt existing in their malicious minds. But I have done my share of public service for more than thirty-seven years. Surely I do not lack attention from people who know me, for I have done so much for Cebu. Mangaoang, on the other hand has projected herself in dimensions which she could not support by positive performance. In simple terms - "Sobrang Bilib sa Sarili" (SBS). Instead of making friends as expected of a public servant, she has created many enemies.

The only objective in this representation is to set the record straight. As an ordinary citizen and a retired Collector of Customs VI, I could not remain silent in the midst of all these lies being peddled as truth!

(Sgd.) David S. Odilao Jr.
Collector of Customs VI (Ret.)

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