
"As Kerygma writers, you proclaim the Good News," thus said Rissa Singson, our consulting editor, during a writing workshop she facilitated for contributing writers of Kerygma, the Catholic inspirational magazine which is a sister publication of Didache.

Up until that time, my motivation for writing for Kerygma (and Didache, too, for that matter) was simply to use the talent God has given me for His glory and service. But Rissa, through godly wisdom, revealed to me another facet of this gift and enabled me to value more what I've been doing. She said that by writing about people's stories, we are essentially proclaiming the Gospel - the work of God in people's lives.

That realization has given me more zeal in writing and in trying to improve my craft. I should - because the Real Author of the stories that I write is no other than God! I am only His ghostwriter!

Tess A.

God, our Father, You are the Author of my life. Give me the sensitivity to see the work of Your hands in my life, and give me the courage to share it with others.
Jeremiah 20:10-13
Psalm 69: 8-10,
14, 17, 33-35
Romans 5:12-15
Matthew 10:26-33

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