Senior citizens

A model senior citizens’ fellowship is that of Teachers Village West in Quezon City. Its members – 60 years and above – are having fun learning to use the computer – at its information, communication and technology center at the Barangay Teachers‚ Village West. To share the joys of the new technology, they (who call themselves Senior ICT) have invited 40-59ners to take lessons there too – "to help and prepare those who will become seniors after us, and whom we call Junior Group," says the association president, Carmel Almandrala, former educator, whose husband is retired Ambassador to San Francisco Alfredo Almendrala, Jr.

The association was formed in March 2001, and elected Carmel president ("Maybe because I was always asking questions"). It has more than 250 members, from 60 to 80 years of age, many of them retired teachers and government executives, doctors and lawyers. One of the retired educators is Josephine Rivera. Some 25 members have crossed the Great Beyond, and the remaining members are quiet as they are reminded they may go too soon. But for the moment, they enjoy banging away at the computer and making greeting cards they send to their colleagues.

Carmel says the association has held seminars with such topics as interpreting the senior citizens law, nutrition for seniors, and fitness. They have regular fellowship meetings, raffle prizes, just simple refreshments, singing, games, and – dancing, of course. With other barangay residents, they meet five days a week to do aerobics, tae-bo and tai-chi at the covered basketball court of UP Village at Mapayapa St. These exercises do magic for the members, Says Carmel. Two weeks ago, they listened to this columnist talk about herb gardening – and ended up buying the pots she had brought there.

"Because we believe in the importance of spirituality, we have cooperated with our neighboring barangays in organizing the Ascending Life Movement which was started in Europe. We meet every third Thursday of the month at the parish library. It is a movement that offers the elderly a path to age gracefully, responsibly and compassionately," says Carmel.

The members‚ dream of having their own center, and have sent letters for help to Mayor Sonny Belmonte and Councilors Ariel Intan and Resty Malayen. Representative Nanette Castelo-Daza has already pledged at least P1-million for the construction of the hall. Carmel and Vice-President Ernie Dumlao and other members will set up a café, a library, and a mini-movie corner inside the center. "We’d like to watch together such movies as Passion of the Christ or Something Has Got to Give and listen to beautiful music while reliving our younger days‚ escapades," says Carmel.

More power to this association and many more years for its members!
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I couldn’t believe it – that one of my best friends, Lillian Macagba Tondjis, has turned 70 and is proud of it. She looked like 10 years back, lovely and all graciousness, and last Saturday, she was all that, in a spaghetti-strapped white dress. Her home at La Vista, Quezon City, site of enjoyable dancing parties, was ablaze with lights and white tents beneath which were Greek casseroles, prawns and pasta prepared by her daughter, Kristin. Kristin and her brother Pierre were responsible for the gathering of their mom’s friends and relatives, and it was all very touching, how the two kept hugging their mom and telling her they loved her so much.

The siblings had also put together a musicale soiree they called Belle nuit, O nuit d’Amour, featuring sopranos Josie Garlit-Bailen and Agnes G. Barredo, and tenors Fr. Cleophas and Edgardo B. Crisol, with Prof. Augusto A. Espino on the piano. Deep into the night could be heard Vivaldi , Handel, Mozart, Verdi, Puccini and Lehar. And there followed the Pilipino love songs of lovely cantoras of the Church of the Risen Lord, under the baton of Josie – Glo Caccam, Ande Carlos, Esper Gutierrez, Backy Albas, Gibet Bascara and Jean Puno.

Before the clock struck 11 came the tantalizing sounds of dance music, and the Macagba sisters raced to the floor underneath the bough of green grapes, to twist and boogie. It was like the old times, when the sisters had so much fun dancing – Lillian, Florence (Tadiar), Josie (Agustin), Gena (Ignacio) who had come all the way from the US to be with her manang, and Emma (Kaiser). They danced till almost all the guests had gone. It was a night to remember – when Lillian turned 70.
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