News – the good and the bad

The worst news we read last weekend was that the Philippine economy will even grow even slower than Bangladesh in the next two years. This was according to International Monetary Fund report. Since the Spanish times, the Philippines was second most economically-developed country next to Japan. This, of course, was due to the galleon trade which turned the Philippines into the entrepot between what was the very first world trade. It took the martial law regime of Dictator Marcos to turn our economy from the strongest next to Japan to the second poorest after Bangladesh. Now if the IMF report is to be believed even Bangladesh is economically moving much faster than the Philippines.

The best news we heard was that the opposition had cancelled its plan to hold a mass-rally in front of Malacañang on Labor Day. Needless to say, the purpose of such a rally would have been to cancel the elections. Sad to say, there is such a move to the extent that the word "Noel", which comes from the Latin natalis, which originally meant birthday or Christmas now popularly means "no elections". May 1 is Labor Day and the proper way to observe the holiday as President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo pointed out is solidarity with Philippine labor in a celebration that will project the dignity and contribution of the Filipino workers to our society.

Sad to say, the police are generally on red alert during Labor Day. This is because Labor Day now coincides with the May 1, 2001 siege of Malacañang by supporters of deposed President Joseph Estrada. That demonstration is now referred to as EDSA III.

We are glad that no demonstrations are planned on Labor Day. Few people realize that May 1 was a day the nation paid tribute to labor even the Feast of St. Joseph, patron saint of workers. We also had a holy day for all farmers during the feast of San Isidro de Labrador.

What should concern the whole country now is the coming May 10 elections. There only 13 days left. Voters must make sure that they vote for candidates who have the necessary qualifications to run for the office they seek. The very first requirement is their education. The first freedom is freedom from ignorance. The second requirement is experience and we mean experience and exposure to public service. So far, the election campaign has been peaceful. May it continue that way and may the best candidates be elected to office.

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