The world is in turmoil

Peace is order based on justice. We must have peace if we are to create a world community wherein every nation can follow its own course of action without fear of its neighbors. That is what is totally lacking in the present world situation. The finest example is the Sept. 11 destruction of the World Trade Center.

Former President Diosdado Macapagal left the most classical definition of New York City. He defined it as "Truly the City of Man. It is humanity in microcosm, reflecting the infinite variety as well as the infinite capacity for good or evil of the human race." This definition is found in Dictionary of Quotable Definitions edited by Eugene E. Brussell. The Sept. 11 tragedy sustained everything in Macapagal’s definition. New York is humanity in microcosm as can be attested by the fact that the victims of the World Trade Center’s destruction by a hijacked airplane were not only Americans but people of many, many different nationalities. The senseless atrocity represented man’s capacity for evil and the way the New Yorkers responded was a living proof of mankind’s infinite capacity to respond nobly tot he very worst crisis. It shows that there is hope for the whole world.

But the fact remains that the world is in deep crisis. Look at the situation in Israel and Palestine, India and Pakistan. The last two are nuclear powers. Here in Southeast Asia, several Christian churches were blown up in Indonesia and we have our local version of bin Laden in the person of Nur Misuari. He should be extradited to the Philippines to face trial. He definitely should not be allowed to stay abroad for the very simple reason that, as we all know, he can always come back to Mindanao through the back door. We have our own problems with local terrorists and we should show the world that we can cope with our problems. We should not pass our problems to other nations.

It is unfortunate that at the start of the so-called Information Revolution, a few misguided individuals such as Osama bin Laden and Nur Misuari are giving the world the misimpression that Islam is a religion of revenge, wrath and desolation. Like all great monotheistic religious, Islam stands for love for one’s fellowmen irregardless of race, color or creed.

Modern communication has turned the world into a global village. Our first goal should be peace everywhere. And there is one war that we should all get together and wage and that is the war against poverty and ignorance. Every nation and individual will stand to gain in that battle. That is the way to start the third millennium.

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