Who is out of reality: Erap or the people? - ROSES AND THORNS by Alejandro R. Roces

In the Quezon City jail, the warden of the prison, Supt. James Labordo, does not know what preparations to make for the eventuality that the Sandiganbayan orders the arrest of deposed president Joseph Estrada. The case being prepared against him is a non-bailable offense and the Quezon City jail is the most likely place that he will be taken.

The Quezon City jail was constructed to accommodate 800 prisoners. At the moment, it has around 1,700 prisoners in its care. It is supposed to be secured by 220 guards, but has only 150. Supt. Labordo is worried about the fact that there is no way for him to give the ousted president any favorable treatment. The jail is so overcrowded that its officials and guards have had to construct nipa huts on top of the cells for their own quarters.

At the same time, officials like Makati Rep. Joker Arroyo has even wondered whether the prison officials would allow Erap to retain his pompadour or impose the standard haircuts for prisoners. To our knowledge, prisoners are also required to wear standard uniforms.

In contrast to all these, our ousted president says that if Pres. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo bungles her job, he will take over from her again. Obviously, he believes his claim that he is still president on indefinite leave. Reality does not adjust itself to what a person wishes. It is the person that has to adjust himself to reality. Estrada is a former movie star. Actors create illusion to reveal reality. Sometimes they get lost in themselves and believe that reality will adjust to their illusions. During the impeachment trial, Estrada said that it was going to be like his movies. He will get beaten up at the start but will triumph in the end. The scandalous impeachment trial was the very cause of his downfall.

Last Tuesday, the Supreme Court banned the Ombudsman Aniano Desierto from issuing statements on the graft and plunder cases against Estrada. Desierto, of course, has complied but he has said that his investigation of the cases against Erap and his gathering of evidence to support his case will not cease.

We are always glad to see that everything the government does is according to law. Lawyers always say that people charged in court are always presumed innocent till proven guilty. We have always maintained that it will even be better if we had no presumption whatsoever. In short, an accused should not be presumed innocent or guilty. That is what the trial is all about.

There is a move to request the authorities concerned that if and when the plunder case against Estrada starts, it also be covered by television just like the impeachment trial. We don’t know the laws covering such matters. But we don’t see any harm that television coverage can do for any trial. The public is allowed to witness public trials. All television does is allow more people to witness the trial.

Again, we say, everything done should be according to law. No man should be convicted for a crime that he has not committed. But just as important is that no man should also be allowed to get away with committing a crime. Plunder is a capital offense. Let justice be done.

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