How will you fare in the Year of the Wood Sheep?

General Outlook

• All five elements are present in a well-balanced chart.

• Extremely rare presence of two sets of allies and friends (Tiger and Boar; Horse and Sheep) creates harmony.

• Three wood element energies indicate growth and wealth opportunities.

• International conflicts still continue, but world leaders may go for more conciliatory resolutions.

• Increased Prosperity Luck possible, and may be enhanced by activating Wood element.

• Natural disasters such as earthquakes, landslides, hurricanes, and nuclear issues may arise.

• The argumentative star is at the center of the chart and would mean that everyone will tend to be short fused!  If reconciliation is not met on time, disharmony could prevail  at home, office or any central locations such as  Central Visayas, Central Mindanao, Middle East, etc.

• Generally, not a good year for romance and marriage.

• Overall, the year symbolizes flexibility and optimism, compromise and progress.


A good year for Wood element industries (fashion, textile, paper mills), and Metal element industries (car manufacturing, technology, engineering); active but competitive for Fire element industries (stock market, restaurant, finance, power generation) and Earth element industries (chemicals, property and construction, insurance); and challenging for Water element industries (shipping, banking, transport, fishing).


• The Sheep, Rabbit, and Boar allies will be active in networking and social events.

• The Ox, Rooster, and Snake will enjoy powerful energies, with the Snake being the strongest, the Ox the weakest, and the Rooster the most afflicted.

• Among the Monkey, Rat, and Dragon allies, the Monkey will be the strongest and will provide support to the Rat and Dragon.

• The Boar and Dog will have good relationship luck.


• An unstable year for health luck, with the eldest daughters and the Snake- and Dragon-born more prone to getting sick.

• Obesity cases will rise; diabetics should take extra care. There could be a rise in cancer and stomach-related illnesses.

• Possible global spread of viral epidemics.


Imaginative and adventurous (1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)

General characteristics:

The ultimate charmer and connoisseur. Rats want sophisticated subtlety in fashion. They go for a soft and silky feel and an overall sense of luxury.

Secret friend: Ox

Allies: Monkey and Dragon

Enemy: Horse

Feb. 4 - Mar. 5

There is so much to be positive about. Love and relationships go very well. The prosperity and wealth stars come together to bring great possibilities and wonderful opportunities.

You are unstoppable given your energy level, so do not get distracted from your goals. Ignore jealous people who give you competition and just enjoy the ride.

Mar. 6 - Apr. 4

Opportunities come non-stop. You want to take them all but your energy just can’t keep up. Take time to relax in between your heavy workload. It is entirely up to you if you would want to expand and start new projects or partnerships.

Your love life will be as busy as well.  Because of your business and career concerns, it may not be the best time to settle down.

Apr. 5 - May 5

Your luck doubles in many ways. Your career, business, and recognition luck are at their highest.

If you are single and looking for love, there is a good chance you’ll find it. But with so many things on your plate, you are likely to give it little attention.

May 6 - June 5

Step up your safety plan: avoid late nights and don’t drive on your own, if possible. There’ll be risks of robbery and politicking.

Third-party intervention may mar your love life. If ever, this stresses that you should not neglect your partner.

June 6 - July 6

Take a respite from last month’s low moments. Many opportunities will come your way. So go out and socialize and expand your network. You may find a mentor figure who will help you in your projects and in making critical decisions.

It’s time to boost your relationship luck. Go on a holiday with your special someone.

July 7 - Aug. 7

Brace yourself for a challenging month. Double-check agreements and contracts before you sign them. Argue less to keep out of trouble.

Your relationship will take a hit, too. When disagreements between you and our partner arise, keep calm and stretch your patience.


Classic and conservative (1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

General characteristics:

If they were gems, Ox-born people would be diamonds. Their amazing strength and endurance carry them through most of their goals. They are sure about their style and often stick to their fashion choices.

Secret friend: Rat

Allies: Snake and Rooster

Enemy: Sheep

Feb. 4 - Mar. 5

Those in business may see easy and consistent profits, putting you in the mood for more productive ventures.

Your travel and education luck is pretty impressive, too.  Enjoy, have fun sharing whatever knowledge you have with your colleagues.

Mar. 6 - Apr. 4

Be careful about your personal belongings as even the smallest item may be lost because of the presence of the Robbery Star.

Overall, a chaotic time for business, work, and career where everything can go wrong when you least expect it. Stay put, be humble, and lie low.

Apr. 5 - May 5

Responsibilities seem to mount. Just carry on and remember that it is better to be busy than feel neglected. You may need to collaborate with your friends on some ventures. A great time for networking.

Romance luck is good. If you are in a relationship, you may want to bring it a step higher. Looking for a potential partner will be a breeze for the single Ox.

May 6 - June 5

This is a month to be very, very careful. Postpone big decisions in business. Have someone else represent you in meetings, exploratory talks, and coordination.

Your irritability and arrogant nature this month will create a wedge in your relationship. Remember that it is not you, but the Misfortune star that is causing this. Be more patient and control your temper.

June 6 - July 6

Romance and relationship luck rule! If you’re single, make the first move. It will be fun! If you’re married, do not be tempted.

Lucrative business opportunities will come that will be too hard for you to resist. Be sharp enough to figure out the most profitable among them and be prepared for something big happening.

July 7 - Aug. 7

You will become more argumentative and short-tempered this month owing to the Conflict star. Be careful about your words and be sensitive about other people’s feelings.

If you have the luxury of time and resources, you are better off traveling or cruising somewhere to stay away from the hostile environment of the month.


Charming and enigmatic

(1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)

General characteristics:

Sharp and intelligent in fashion, as in life. They are brave and sophisticated in their dressing style and are always the first to try new fashion trends.

Secret friend: Boar

Allies: Horse and Dog

Enemy: Monkey

Feb. 4 - Mar. 5

Wealth and windfall luck shower you with great opportunities. Start with the right connections and you won’t go wrong. New business ventures loom on the horizon. Be very careful about your decisions.

On the relationship front, you stand a good chance of meeting someone with the same interests as you do.  Newly married couples may be thinking of starting a family soon.

Mar. 6 - Apr. 4

Don’t take the Robbery star for granted. Losses could be high if you are not on top of things. Think through your goals and do not rush into investing, expanding, or forming new partnerships.

The tension spreads into your relationships as well. Let the negative energy of this month run its course without fighting or arguing with someone.

Apr. 5 - May 5

A windfall is highly possible. Use this lucky month to reestablish old connections and surround yourself with positive people.

You are highly creative and this month you are likely to meet someone special who thinks just like you. You want a relationship with someone who is intelligent and good-looking. Well, you just might find that person!

May 6 - June 5

Go easy on business and work commitments. You may be feeling unproductive, so don’t push it or things could go wrong.

Better not enter into any deals with friends for now. This month, even your closest pals and loved ones may not see things your way. Learn to compromise, give in, and avoid fights at all costs.

June 6 - July 6

You will shine even in the most challenging situations and will make good progress, which makes you smile even wider.

Play up your networking skills, but try to be firm and stick to your principles to keep your integrity. There’s a strong chance of reuniting with long-lost friends who will make a difference in what you do. Starting a new relationship will be favorable.

July 7 - Aug. 7

You may feel as if too many wrong things are happening to you, but remember that these won’t last. Just keep to what’s there for now, hold off important decisions, and choose your words as you may unwittingly hurt others.

Don’t seek consolation in your love life, either. Anything started now may not end well.


Sharp and vigilant

(1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)

General characteristics:

They are the epitome of casual chic. Rabbits shun fuss and prefer cool and comfortable style that puts them at ease.

Secret friend: Dog

Allies: Sheep and Boar

Enemy: Rooster

Feb. 4 - Mar. 5

Your emotional state causes arguments with loved ones and friends. Minor issues become more sensitive and for some, it may mean ending ties with their partner. As the song goes, let it go; this will soon pass so try to work things out and do not let them turn ugly.

Mar. 6 - Apr. 4

There may be minor challenges in your personal relationships. Be more of a giver than a receiver and do not give up should there be arguments. Although the illness bug causes temporary inconvenience, your career or academic luck remains good. Success comes with determination this month.

Apr. 5 - May 5

The go-getter side of you is definitely back and you can trust your instincts to go after great projects.The opportunities spell not only long-term gains, but also a good reputation and success in both academic and career pursuits. Regarding affairs of the heart, you need to be selective as you don’t want a relationship that could just fizzle out fast.

May 6 - June 5

This is one of your best months! You are full of bright ideas that your team will find useful. Some Rabbits may want to develop other skills.

It seems like you will be expected to make a proposal to someone that you have been going out for a while now, but don’t get pressured. This is not the time to settle down yet.

June 6 - July 6

Socialize, renew ties, and implement long-delayed plans. There are no obstacles blocking your way.

Romance luck is tops! This is a most auspicious time for making commitments or settling down. On the other hand, while everything seems to be rosy, don’t let a third person play with your emotions and leave you devastated.

July 7 - Aug. 7

Do not share confidential matters and do not simply open up to anyone as the hostile energy around you is very strong. Avoid contributing to gossip as things could boomerang on you.

Relationship and romance are not looking very rosy, either. Jealousy could play on your emotions. Do not overreact or be overly sensitive about minor issues that could possibly be blown out of proportion.


Awesome and charming (1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000)

General characteristics:

Everything about the Dragon is positive energy that inspires others to do their best. They are awesome dressers who can pull off fancy fascinators or crystal-encrusted stockings.

Secret friend: Rooster

Allies: Monkey and Rat

Enemy: Dog

Feb. 4 - Mar. 5

Involve allies and friends in exploring profitable opportunities. Be creative and use the social media to expand your connections. You may be asked to make an investment, but this is not the time for any serious venture. Practice due diligence and do your research to avoid losses.

Mar. 6 - Apr. 4

Check yourself if you think you are always right. You may let out hurtful words that you will regret later. Do not be too suspicious; give in and avoid any fights.

Be aware that even your closest partner or someone you are having a relationship with can easily get hurt by your non-stop arguing.

Apr. 5 - May 5

Be alert to any health concerns this month. You will feel too low and burned out. Take precautions if you travel on the road as accidents are possible.

Until you get your energy level back to its high level, avoid big changes in business. Business life has to slow down a bit, too.  Amid all these, your romance luck is quite strong and will really boost your happiness.

May 6 - June 5

Set your heart on something big, whether in career, business, or a relationship. You are a star player, indeed!

A possible end of a relationship will not be too hard as it will be mutually amicable. If this happens, move on and accept newer challenges in your life. Make room for something or someone different from what you’ve had in the past.

June 6 - July 6

Your positive luck may cause jealousy in some people around you. Be alert to possible backbiting and politicking.

This is a good chance for those wishing to start a new relationship to find someone. Those who have been in a relationship for some time may feel pressured by partners who expect to settle down soon. If you are not ready to do this, you just might give up.

July 7 - Aug. 7

If you’ve always wanted to start something like a deal or new venture, this is the time to do it. It will turn out to be auspicious.

For those who are married or are in a steady relationship, it is important to take some time off and enjoy the company of your loved ones.


Sensual and graceful (1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001)

General characteristics:

Snakes always stand out with their elegance. They exude grace and confidence and are always admired for their impeccable fashion style.

Secret friend: Monkey

Allies: Ox and Rooster

Enemy: Boar

Feb. 4 - Mar. 5

Take advantage of your good fortune; it comes only once in a blue moon!  Your networking skills and some past connections could yield excellent results.

If you are single, your relationship luck will bless you with exciting possibilities. A strong bond is present among married couples. However, do not let any form of indiscretion ruin your marriage.

Mar. 6 - Apr. 4

The hostile energies will make you lose your temper with your team and business partners and leave you open to criticism. Problems with  authorities may surface if you don’t watch out.

Focus your attention on your family and friends — after all, they are the same people who cheer  you up when you are down.

Apr. 5 - May 5

Make sure that your health is looked after. See a doctor if you must. If you fall sick, the more you will feel useless and unproductive.

Feeling low and sick may have its perks. Your  partner will be giving you more care than ever!   Those who are seeking someone to be more than just a friend will be surprised how this month will  turn to be very favorable.

May 6 - June 5

Positive developments materialize in your work. You will have new and bigger responsibilities. And bigger responsibilities equate to better income.

Love and happiness surround you.  You may even meet the “right one” this time.  Happy couples will enjoy more memorable times. Others  may consider taking their relationship to a more serious level.

June 6 - July 6

So much publicity pouring on you! All of a sudden you become the life of the party and are seen as a high-profile personality.

There’s also so much loving energy from your family and special someone.  Married couples should try to create some new activities in their relationship.

No business talk; just your plans and dreams for your  relationship.

July 7 - Aug. 7

You are so popular that everyone wants to be your friend. Your skills and talents are being recognized.

How cool is that! Your business will be running on full capacity.

On the downside, your special someone may feel neglected. If  a breakup is inevitable, you will still be friends. On the other hand, some couples may be

thinking of getting married or starting a family. This is  a good month for that, too.


Flighty and fabulous

(1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002)

General characteristics:

Imaginative and passionate, Horses are no slaves to trends. Expect them to mix and match or combine clashing patterns — and carry it with aplomb.

Secret friend: Sheep

Allies: Tiger and Dog

Enemy: Rat

Feb. 4 - Mar. 5

So many good things happening and you will feel excited more than exhausted. In your race to success, don’t forget that your body can only take so much.  Mind your safety as the Robbery star also hovers around you. Do not divulge plans to anyone but your trusted partners.

In the dating game, keep your options open. No need to rush into anything serious.

Mar. 6 - Apr. 4

There will be exciting news at work that could lead to a big break. Go the extra mile or do your bit for charity. It will be beneficial.

Love luck brings in someone who could take your breath away. The feeling of instant intimacy will be there. You will know that it’s not meant to be just a fling, but something more serious.

Apr. 5 - May 5

You need to be very careful! Loss may not only mean loss of physical things but also loss in love and relationship. Control this possible double whammy by lying low and being vigilant.

Even personal relationships are marred with problems. Relationships formed may turn out to be superficial. Not the time for big or small decisions.

May 6 - June 5

There could be minor squabbles at work, but don’t get provoked into fights. There could be losses in business, too, so always proceed with caution.

Stop playing games in the romance department. Show your family members that you truly care for them, or else a permanent grudge may be formed against you.

June 6 - July 6

You may be on the receiving end of politicking and gossiping at work. Personal matters should not be discussed at work. Reschedule important activities next month when things will get better. Reevaluate your list of friends to know whom to keep and whom to let go.

Personal relationships may be challenged and the risk of losing someone is quite likely due to third-party interference.

July 7 - Aug. 7

Develop strong alliances with colleagues and get to know them better. Do not be forced into choosing between an old friend and a new one. Stay neutral.

As you work on stabilizing your relationship with your special someone, temptation may present itself. Resist all you must. Any temporary indiscretion will not be worth the risk.


Practical and wise

(1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

General characteristics:

The Sheep is no drama queen, and will go for comfort rather than show. Still, the elegance and creativity are there in the accents. They won’t suffer for the sake of fashion.

Secret friend: Horse

Allies: Rabbit and Boar

Feb. 4 - Mar. 5

It’s the illness star that is making you feel confused. Do not be too hard on yourself and just focus on regaining your old energy level.

Go on a holiday with family and friends. You will be happy to spend time with your partner. If you are single, you might meet someone special.

Mar. 6 - Apr. 4

You will have support from everyone. With a strong network, you will find it easy to make decisions.

Your business will yield better profits than last time as you enter into a new partnership with someone which could be purely based on trust and confidence in each other.

Apr. 5 - May 5

Your lucky break has come. This does not come all the time, so enjoy it while it lasts and don’t get stressed.

There will be challenges in romantic affairs. Do not give in to temptations. It will only take one time to hurt your reputation and lose the trust of your partner.

May 6 - June 5

Positivity is all around you. Host a party and reunite with friends, make new ones and build a stronger network. If a potential investor comes to you offering capital, go ahead and seal that partnership.

While all these are happening, do not neglect your family and loved ones. After all, they will always be there to support you in your times of need.

June 6 - July 6

Don’t take the possibility of loss lightly. Review your surroundings, legal papers, and how your business is being run. There could be irregularities that may cause you to lose money.

For now, give relationship matters a pass. Your busy calendar will neither give you any time nor the drive to entertain someone.

July 7 - Aug. 7

Your leadership skills will be recognized and rewarded with a possible good post. It wouldn’t harm if you use feng shui charms to enhance this luck. Tapping your best directions will also help align your energies.

There will be some opportunities to meet someone interesting. Make the first move! What starts as friendship may lead to something special later.


Cheery and fascinating

(1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004)

General characteristics:

The perennially rosy outlook of Monkey-born people makes them popular with others. They are dramatic dressers and are generous to others as they are in their style. Their presence commands attention and fascination.

Secret friend: Snake

Allies: Rat and Dragon

Enemy: Tiger

Feb. 4 - Mar. 5

Do not put too much stress on yourself and learn to strategize. Knowing the ins and outs of your business now will help you strike a good deal later.

Expect some happy times ahead in the romance department. Getting together with like-minded people will come easy.

Mar. 6 - Apr. 4

Plenty of opportunities will be coming your way and one of them could be your lucky break.  Negotiate, collaborate, and seal that deal.

You’ll have many happy experiences. Those who are single are advised to be socially active. There could be interesting leads to a possible romantic relationship

Apr. 5 - May 5

Whatever you choose to work on will bring satisfaction. Forget the small stuff and focus on one big project. Aim for bigger rewards.

Thoughts of proposing or settling down will be better off postponed for a later time. You are just too busy for that now.

May 6 - June 5

Think wealth luck and windfall! A job or even a promotion may be waiting. There will be many happy occasions to look forward to. It’s your time to shine!

Deep inside your heart, you will be feeling like committing yourself to a romantic relationship. Make your best judgment if you feel it’s the right time.

June 6 - July 6

In case of issues between you and your friends, be ready to forgive and let go. Be careful with your personal assets and properties, too. Delay making important business decisions and going into risky ventures.

Be careful even of small arguments. The possibility of loss affects not only material things but also your loved one.

July 7 - Aug. 7

You will be both mentor and mentoree this time. At one time you will be confiding issues about yourself; at other times you may be advising others who seek guidance. Be very careful during these interactions as someone might fall for your charming ways. The external flower of romance might cause problems in your otherwise strong marital union.


Driven and determined

(1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)

General characteristics:

Style-wise, Roosters are perfectionists. Creative touches even in the smallest details and fancy highlights may mark them off as eccentric dressers.

Secret friend: Dragon

Allies: Ox and Snake

Enemy: Rabbit

Feb. 4 - Mar. 5

The star combinations make this a troublesome month for you with risks of robbery and many forms of misfortune.

Postpone negotiations and do not make rash decisions.

Trust issues will also arise in your personal relationships with family and loved ones. Turn your partner into a source of inspiration rather than pick a fight.

Mar. 6 - Apr. 4

Be positive and proceed with confidence. There may still be mistakes, but treat them as lessons. An influential person could turn out to be a very good mentor.

This is a great time for romance, so enjoy your good luck. While you socialize, you may meet a like-minded person and it could lead to something special. Lucky you!

Apr. 5 - May 5

Arguments are likely; if you find yourself in the middle of disagreeing friends, do not take sides. Competition in business will be fierce. Be smart and compete with caution.

There’s possible trouble in the romance department, too. Both of you will tend to be irritable and quick to pick fights. Those who are looking for love may fare well, as meeting someone new will make them smile.

May 6 - June 5

Your good fortune may come in the form of a friend you can rely on. This connection could be long-lasting and will be beneficial for the future.

This is a Merry month for engagements, proposal, or marriage plans. Singles will have opportunities to make choices for a possible partner.

June 6 - July 6

Somehow, losing your temper over trivial details will spell disaster in your team. Do not expose yourself to too many functions. You don’t need this attention now as it can only bring trouble to yourself.

In your relationship with your loved one, you may feel as if you need more space. If things cannot be sorted out sensibly, a temporary separation may be a good idea. But remember that this is not the time to entertain a new relationship.

July 7 - Aug. 7

Your mind is not functioning as fast as before. Put all the cures necessary to control these major issues influenced by the negative energies.

Be thankful that your loved ones are there for support. In times like this, you will even be closer. Make health your priority. For single Roosters, this is a good time to start a new relationship.


Loyal and amiable

(1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)

General characteristics:

Dogs are often sought after in parties because they are genuinely affectionate. This fashion hound is trendy and must always have what’s hot in outfits and accessories.

Secret friend: Rabbit

Allies: Tiger and Horse

Enemy: Dragon

Feb. 4 - Mar. 5

Be visible in social functions and industry-related events. Be more outgoing this time and the experience will do wonders for your career and business.

Think things through very carefully if you’re contemplating settling down. It will be difficult to change your mind once you’ve made a commitment. Singles may form new relationships that will start as friendship but may be for keeps later on.

Mar. 6 - Apr. 4

Don’t take risks as the stars are not on your side. Take it easy at work. Your colleagues won’t be a problem, but keep some things to yourself. Less discussion, less arguments.

There will be challenges to face in love and relationship. Don’t cause a heartbreak by being unreasonable and temperamental.

Apr. 5 - May 5

A very lucky time for affairs of the heart — getting engaged, getting married or simply taking the next step in your relationship. If you meet someone interesting who can potentially be ‘the one,’ just go with the flow and have fun.

For a very goal-oriented person like you are, this productive month is best spent socializing or networking. Some people you meet will be very helpful in your future ventures.

May 6 - June 5

The energies of the month will give you low moments at work that could lead to relationships being broken between you and colleagues. Keep away from gossip and politicking.

Maintain the same caution with your personal relationship. Do not make your partner the subject of your jokes and try to avoid discussing sensitive topics that may offend family members.

June 6 - July 6

There are wealth opportunities but your performance will depend on how you address possible health issues. Do some sensible scheduling to avoid stressing yourself. Team up with the right people to achieve long-term results. Keep only those with good potential to help.

Those who are single will have the energy for the dating game and just might meet someone special.

July 7 - Aug. 7

You will be busy making money, traveling or simply moving from one place to another. To some, it could even mean relocation to another country. Go ahead and meet your goals.

For those who have been in a relationship for some time, you may feel as if you’re not ready to commit and might be headed for a breakup. If that happens, it will be an amicable one. Let go and move on. Single Dogs may be heading towards new relationships.


Witty and classy

(1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)

General characteristics:

Boars are hardly ever fazed and can put people at ease with their wit and humor. For them, it’s quality above price and they have no qualms about going for branded stuff because they represent smart design and excellent craftsmanship.

Secret friend: Tiger

Allies: Rabbit and Sheep

Enemy: Snake

Feb. 4 - Mar. 5

So much good career potential and this could be the time for a promotion or salary increase. Go out with people who matter to your business, and establish new contacts and partnerships.

Some single Boars who are keen on starting a romantic relationship will see this happening. Some will just be happy to stay at home, read a book, or catch up on the latest TV shows. This will be a restful break for them, too.

Mar. 6 - Apr. 4

Turn the bad energies into good ones by doing charity work. Keep out of other people’s affairs, because even if your intention is good, they will not see it that way. Give advice only if people ask for it.

A not-too-exciting month for love and romance. Delay making any decisions in this area and wait till next month when your luck improves to work on enhancing your relationship.

Apr. 5 - May 5

Work, career or business will have a major shift, giving you more time for love. Enjoy the overall good mood. As you socialize, be wary of some tension brewing at work. There could be complaints from unhappy team members.

Married couples should work on rekindling their romance luck. Singles should take care not to play around but focus on one relationship that has long-term possibilities.

May 6 - June 5

Some minor issues in the past will come back to bug you. You will tend to be more confrontational in trying to prove your point. Keep cool even as new challenges emerge.

Because the star of argument is strong this month, be very careful about what you say and how you say it. Less talk, less trouble is the way to go this month.

June 6 - July 6

Illness, accidents and physical woes are likely. If things can wait, next month will be more favorable, feng shui-wise.

Instead, take some time to catch up with your loved ones and work on having a stronger relationship. Have enough rest and save your energy for next month’s excitement.

July 7 - Aug. 7

You will find opportunities in most situations. Whether traveling for work-related events, or attending non-stop meetings, you will be very inspired. Productivity will improve and you will welcome responsibilities that come your way.

This is a month for long-term relationships. Improve on what you have now, or develop new ones if you have not been lucky in having one in the past.



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