Demons among us? 6 questions about lurkers in the dark

MANILA, Philippines - Fr. Jocis Syquia, director of the Archdiocese of Manila's Office of Exorcism, is among the country's foremost advocates of the doctrine of exorcism, or warding off demonic activities from people's lives.

In a talk given earlier this year entitled "Spiritual Warfare," Syquia addresses frequently asked questions about devils and demonic activity.

Is the devil real?

"We are 85 percent Catholic but why is there so much sin, so much evil? ... It's because Satan has entered in a very syntactic manner. Even Christians have been deceived by the evil one," Syquia said.

"This is a reality that there is a hell. There are demons in hell," he added, explaining how the Bible depicts the dark spirits--or fallen angels led by Satan--who turned their backs on God.

Why do demons possess people?

Syquia said that demons are superior creatures, and they do not treat humans as equals.

"(The devil) does not want to bow down to human ... he does not want to bow down to Jesus Christ because he was human. Para sa kanya, we are no competition. He attacks us because it is against God, a hatred of God," he explained.

Are people the only ones that demons possess?

The exorcist said that the evil one also attacks institutions, especially those directly related with Christianity.

"In the book of Revelation, it is called the unveiling, when the Lord is showing the entire Christian community how the devil is attacking human institutions ... and he does it in a very subtle manner. He will not show his face," he said.

Syquia added that many times the devil presents himself attractively in using ideas, campaigns, policies and of course, individuals.

Who are the people prone to demonic attacks or possession?

The priest cited Church doctrine to point out how immoral or sinful acts as well as engaging in practices opposite to God's teachings are ways of opening the door for the devil to enter one's life.

Syquia said new age practices, magic, voodoo, Ouija boards, spiritsm, superstitious beliefs, Satanism and paganized versions of Christianity such as those engaged in by the village albularyo welcome the devil.

He also said those living sinful lifestyles especially those rife with acts of sexual impurity are among the most vulnerable to the devil's possession or oppression. Emotional and physical trauma, too, make people susceptible to attack.

The quickest way to drive out demons from one's life is to live and practice faith. Catholics are also encouraged to go to confession regularly.

How are demonic possessions different from mental disorders?

Syquia, who has a degree in clinical psychology, is considered to be the only exorcist in the country with an operational eight-man team of Catholics experienced in the rite. His staff includes lawyer and a psychologist, who first determines whether a person suffers from real demonic activity or from a mental illness.

While mental illnesses cause people to act in ways that are not considered normal, Syquia stressed that superhuman characteristics are often the clearest signs of demonic activity. He said that while depictions of Hollywood are meant to entertain, he has seen many of such uncanny behavior in patients he has attempted to exorcise.

Some exhibit drastic changes in their voice, unexplained appearance of injuries such as wounds of inverted crosses on their bodies, knowledge of languages and extrahuman strength.

What is the role of the exorcist?

Even though most of his time is dedicated to helping solve cases of possession, oppression or places believed to be infested by evil spirits, Syquia is quick to dismiss beliefs that it is the exorcist who drives out demons.

The exorcist's first role is to make sure the person being attacked returns to the faith to send a signal to the devil that he is no longer welcome. Simple as it may sound, Syquia said that devil usually counters the efforts toward conversion.

"The victims has to also renounce (the devil) and confess sins," Syquia said.

The rite of exorcism is considered as a sacramental, or a minor sacrament, by which the clergyman accredited by the Church to perform it uses prayers, blessed water, the crucifix and a sacred relic to command the devil, in God's name, to leave the victim.

He said it may entail several sessions of exorcism before the demons completely leave the victim.

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