Singer Morrissey asks P-Noy to free zoo elephant

MANILA, Philippines - Malacañang is studying the proposal of a British singer and animal rights advocate to transfer to a sanctuary a 38-year-old elephant confined in cramped conditions at the Manila Zoo.

In a letter to Aquino, British rock star Morrissey said he was saddened to hear about the plight of the elephant from Sri Lanka named Vishwamali from his friends at the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).

“On behalf of PETA Asia, I ask that you send Mali to a sanctuary, where she would have room to roam and be able to be among other members of her own species,” read the letter.

In a text message, deputy presidential spokesperson Abigail Valte said Malacañang has received Morrissey’s letter, and his request is already being evaluated by the office of Executive Secretary Paquito Ochoa Jr.

In the letter, Morrissey told Aquino that Mali was only three years old when she was taken away from her family in Sri Lanka in 1974 and had lived a life of confinement at the zoo since then. “Elephants are extremely intelligent animals with complex social lives, extraordinary memories and a distinct culture that passes from generation to generation. In the wild, female elephants like Mali roam over great distances every day – an activity that is essential to their wellbeing – and spend all their time in the company of other elephants, socializing, nurturing and sharing experiences and responsibilities,” read the letter.

“Her life consists of extreme loneliness, boredom and isolation in an area that is a fraction of the size of her natural habitat. She circles her little patch of concrete, traveling the same route again and again.

“This kind of obsessive, repetitive behavior – known as ‘zoochosis’ – suggests that Mali is in danger of going insane, so time is of the essence.”

Zoochosis refers to a range of psychological problems associated with animals kept in prolonged captivity.

Morrissey said Mali suffers from extreme loneliness, boredom and isolation.

“A sanctuary would give her the opportunity for enrichment and companionship that she has been denied for many years.”

Morrissey said Mali is “cruelly denied stimulation, room to explore, and everything else that is natural and important to her.”

In a statement, PETA said that the 52-year-old Morrissey emailed and sent via fax his letter to Aquino last April 27.

Morrissey informed Aquino that he would be coming to Manila for a visit.

The rock star is scheduled to do a concert at the World Trade Center in Pasay City on Sunday, May 13.

His former band The Smiths had released an album entitled “Meat is Murder” in the mid-80s. – With Delon Porcalla

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