Cruz reminds Noy of 'Grumpy Old Men'

MANILA, Philippines - President Aquino yesterday said he would rather not make any comment about retired Archbishop Oscar Cruz, an anti-jueteng advocate, but inadvertently let slip a hint that the prelate reminded him of the stereotype “grumpy old man.”

“Can you consider it as your Christmas gift to me? Can I not comment about Archbishop Cruz? I was taught by my parents to respect old people, especially those who come from the clergy,” the President told reporters in a press conference.

“But when did he ever say anything positive about our efforts?” Aquino asked, noting that Cruz never had good words for his administration, which is why he would rather ignore all his tirades.

“Besides, we were able to watch ‘Grumpy Old Men’,” he added, referring to the movie starring Jack Lemon and Walter Matthau and drawing laughter from newsmen.

Mr. Aquino’s remarks stemmed from the observation of Cruz that he didn’t adopt in full the recommendations made by the incident investigation and review committee (IIRC) headed by Justice Secretary Leila de Lima regarding the Aug. 23 hostage drama at the Quirino Grandstand.

“What did we alter in the findings of the IIRC? We only looked for cases that will be filed. What is he talking about?” he said.

“I will just try my best to understand him. Blessed are the persecuted. I will just say thank you to him,” the President added.

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