Man dies saving 3 teens from watery Bohol cave

Town Councilor Al Coquilla identified the victim as Larry Quiros – brother of one of the trapped kids.

MANILA, Philippines — A 27-year-old man drowned after attempting to rescue three children trapped in the watery Tubang Cave in Barangay Celing, Antequera town in Bohol late Friday.

Town Councilor Al Coquilla identified the victim as Larry Quiros – brother of one of the trapped kids.

According to an Antequera police report, the three – aged 18, 16 and 15 years old – went swimming inside the cave when the water level rose, trapping them inside.

Rescuers from the Philippine Coast Guard, Bureau of Fire Protection and Philippine National Police managed to rescue the 18- and 16-year-old victims. However, they had difficulty reaching the 15-year-old.

According to reports, Quiros said he knew the terrain well and volunteered to do the rescue himself. He saved his sister but lost his life in the process, reports added.

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