4 Chinese slain in Pampanga drug raid

ANGELES CITY, Philippines — Four Chinese were killed in an anti-drug operation that resulted in the seizure of 38 kilos of shabu with an estimated street value of P262 million in this city yesterday.

Cai Ya Bing, Erbo Ke, Huang Guidong and Wuyuan Shen, alias Jinpeng Zhang, reportedly exchanged fire with a team of anti-narcotics agents who raided their house in a subdivision in Barangay Pulung Cacutud, according to the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA).

The suspects were reportedly linked to Basher Bangon, leader of the Basher Drug Group, who was killed in a shootout with PDEA agents in Cavite last month.

No one was wounded or killed among the members of the raiding team. – Ramon Efren Lazaro, Neil Jayson Servallos

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