

CWC, Go distribute tablets for students

Rainier Allan Ronda - The Philippine Star

MANILA, Philippines — The Council for the Welfare of Children (CWC) has teamed up with the office of Sen. Bong Go to distribute almost 500 tablet computers to schoolchildren since the start of the school year 2020-2021 last October.

Undersecretary Mitch Cajayon-Uy – executive director of the CWC, an attached agency of the Department of Social Welfare and Development – said the tablets were given to beneficiaries to lighten the burden of parents struggling due to the cost of online learning.

A webinar was also conducted on Nov. 11 to ensure that “children and their families are equipped with life skills for them to overcome the challenges that this pandemic has brought and for them to be ready to face the new normal,” Uy said.

Go urged schoolchildren to study well using the tablets.

“Do all that you can to be the joy of your parents, strive to finish your studies because having an education will take you to greater heights. Let us help each other because we in the government cannot do it alone,” he said.

Go also called for everyone to support his proposed amendment to Republic Act 11036 or the National Mental Health Law to strengthen and give priority funding to basic mental health services, especially at the local level.

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