Troops seize 500 drums of smuggled fuel from boat off Tawi-Tawi

A Philippine Navy MPAC on patrol
File photo

ZAMBOANGA CITY, Philippines — Marines and Air Force personnel intercepted a motorlaunch loaded with 500 drums of smuggled fuel in a coastal village of Bongao town, Tawi-Tawi this week.
Rear Admiral Erick Kagaoan, Naval Forces Western Mindanao commander, said the troopes were conducting maritime interdiction operations when they spotted M/L Arnalyn 2 off Paggasinan around 11:30 p.m. on Tuesday.

The troops intercepted the boat and found 500 drums of smuggled fuel during their board-and-search operation.

The M/L Arnalyn 2's crew failed to provide documentation for the fuel, Kagaoan said.

Citing reports from the Marines, he said the fuel came from Sabah and is worth an estimated P11.3 million.

The troops apprehended the five-person crew of the M/L Arnalyn 2, who were identified as Zalde Cap, Akmad Amil, Almujil Sajirin, Bundol Bakal, Zalde Ajan and Ameer Kaidal Abduhasan.

The confiscated fuel will be turned over to the Customs bureau.

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