QCPD: Hitmen tailed fiscal’s car from city hall

The suspects tailed Velasco’s car from city hall to Holy Spirit Drive where he was ambushed, Esquivel said.
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MANILA, Philippines — Quezon City Deputy Prosecutor Rogelio Velasco was tailed by professional hitmen from his office at the city hall before he was gunned down on Friday, police said yesterday.

Quezon City Police District (QCPD) director Chief Superintendent Joselito Esquivel said surveillance footage showed the assailants’ car – a white Toyota Innova bearing a stolen license plate – was parked at the city hall compound for at least an hour prior to the attack on Velasco. 

The suspects tailed Velasco’s car from city hall to Holy Spirit Drive where he was ambushed, Esquivel said.

Esquivel said the attack took less than 15 seconds after the assailants’ vehicle cut Velasco’s car.

Probers said at least four suspects opened fire at the prosecutor’s car.

“This assassination could have been carried out by professional hitmen. The execution was well planned,” Esquivel said.

‘Persons of interest’

Esquivel said they were looking into the involvement of two motorcycle riders who were seen tailing Velasco’s car. 

He said the motorcycle riders are considered “persons of interest.”

Velasco, 64, died from multiple gunshots to the body. His two daughters survived the attack.

The QCPD earlier released the sketches of two of the men seen on closed-circuit television footage shooting Velasco.

Esquivel said they were investigating all possible motives for the killing.

Velasco’s family told probers that he had been receiving death threats since he started work as a fiscal. 

Police said they provided security to the victim’s family.

The QCPD and National Bureau of Investigation have formed task groups to probe the killing.  

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