Comply with holiday pay rules, employers told

MANILA, Philippines - The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) has urged private employers to comply with the pay rules for Oct. 31 and Nov. 1, which were declared special non-working holidays.

Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello III said Undas is among the major holidays celebrated by Filipinos so labor rules that go with it should be followed.

“Providing workers with additional pay during holidays promotes productivity and competitiveness among employees,” Bello said.

He said the “no work, no pay” policy should be applied to employees who will not report to work on these days.

Based on Labor Advisory No. 15 issued by Bello, employees who will work during holidays will be paid an additional 30 percent of their daily rate for the first eight hours of work.

Workers will receive an additional 30 percent overtime pay in excess of eight hours.

If the holiday falls on the workers’ rest day, they will be paid an additional 50 percent of their daily rate for the first eight hours of work.

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