North Cotabato vice mayor faces graft raps over eyeglass procurement

The complaint stemmed from the report of a resident of Makilala in North Cotabato.   

NORTH COTABATO, Philippines - The Ombudsman found cause to prosecute Vice Mayor Ricky Cua of Makilala, North Cotabato and four others for paying P99,000 for only 314 pairs of eyeglasses distributed to senior citizens in the municipality.

Graft investigators had found out Cua, engineer Roel Caoagdan of the municipal bids and awards committee (BAC), and Mario Ranis, Makilala’s budget officer, connived to increase to P99,000 the total price of the eyeglasses, originally only worth  P6,280.

The eyeglasses were purchased in 2012, according to the Ombudsman.

Also named as involved in the anomaly were municipal administrative officer Edwin Arellano and Pio Abonado Jr. and Giovanni Ignacio, assessment and treasury officers of the Makilala local government unit, respectively.

The STAR had repeatedly tried, but failed to reach the five LGU officials for comment.

Ombudsman documents obtained by The STAR indicated that the anomaly was reported by a resident of Makilala named Rodillin Estralla, who provided details on the questionable procurement of the eyeglasses.

Probers had found enough evidence showing that Cua and the four other LGU personnel had indeed padded the cost of the eyeglasses.

Graft investigators ruled the five officials violated Section 7(a) of the Republic Act 6713, also known as Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Official and Employees.

They were also said to have violated Section 65, Article 21 of the Republic Act 9184, which is the Government Procurement Reform Act.

The five officials will also be charged with violation of the paragraph 2, Article 171 of the Revised Penal Code.

The Ombudsman’s resolution on the graft complaint against them was signed by prosecution officer Rosemil Robles Bañaga.

The document was also signed by Maria Iluminada Lapid-Viva, director of the Ombudsman’s evaluation and investigation bureau.

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