Sandigan orders arrest of Masbate governor for plunder

Sandiganbayan File photo

MANILA, Philippines - The Sandiganbayan yesterday ordered the arrest of Masbate Gov. Rizalina Seachon-Lanete, who was charged with plunder in connection with the pork barrel scam.

The magistrates of the anti-graft court’s Fourth Division headed by Associate Justice Jose Hernandez issued the arrest warrant for Lanete who is accused of pocketing P108.4 million in public funds when she was still a congresswoman.

Also ordered arrested for allegedly conniving with Lanete were her former chief of staff Jose Sumalpong, businesswoman Janet Lim Napoles and John Raymund de Asis.

The anti-graft court issued arrest warrants for 27 other incumbent and former public officials for graft.

Sandiganbayan Fourth Division clerk of court Joffre Gil Zapata said the arrest warrants would be served today.

Lanete, Sumalpong, Napoles and De Asis were indicted over the alleged anomalous utilization of the former lawmaker’s Priority Development Assistance Fund amounting to P112.29 million from 2007 to 2009.

The Office of the Ombudsman said government funds were used for questionable livelihood projects, financial assistance to farmers, farm inputs and farm implements, skills training and distribution of livelihood kits for nail care, wellness, massage and candle-making.

Ombudsman Conchita Carpio-Morales filed cases against Lanete, former congressmen Samuel Dang-wa of Benguet, Rodolfo Plaza of Agusan del Sur, Edgar Valdez and Constantino Jaraula of Cagayan de Oro earlier this month.

Lanete and Valdez were charged with plunder while Plaza, Dangwa and Jaraula are facing malversation, graft and direct bribery cases.

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