16 Batangas power co-op employees fail drug test

LIPA CITY , Philippines   – Sixteen employees of the Batangas Electric Cooperative (Batelec) II tested positive for use of prohibited drugs in a recent surprise random drug testing, officials said.

Of 500 employees who underwent the drug test, Batelec II general manager Octave Mendoza said 14 were found using shabu and two, marijuana.

“We have to conduct our periodic drug testing for our employees to cleanse their ranks and to professionalize our public service,” Mendoza said.

He said the drug test was conducted last May by an independent and private medical institution, while the 16 employees who tested positive for drug use were subjected to a confirmatory test by the Department of Health, the results of which were made available only recently. 

Although they tested positive, the 16 employees can still work until a committee, composed of the administrative manager, department heads, and the president of the Batelec II Employees Association, has given its recommendations.

Those found guilty will be given an opportunity to undergo rehabilitation within three months and can return to their jobs if they present a certification from a duly accredited rehab center, he said.

Mendoza, however, said this is their last chance and recidivists face termination. 

“We are doing this to prevent accidents in the workplace. Imagine your linemen or your crane truck driver being high on drugs while working; this endangers not only themselves but even the public consumers who they are working for,” he said.

Based on Batelec records, two employees were terminated last 2012 for drug use.

Batelec II, which has more than 800 employees, is ranked as one of the largest electric cooperatives in the country. It provides electricity to Lipa City and San Juan, Taysan, Lobo, Rosario, Malvar and other towns in Batangas.

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