New office to document Dagupan history, culture

DAGUPAN CITY , Philippines– This city’s mayor signed an executive order creating the Dagupan City Historical, Culture and Arts Office during the 67th Agew Na Dagupan (Dagupan Day) celebration on Friday.

The office, created by virtue of Executive Order No. 01, Series of 2014, will undertake studies and researches on the city’s history and cultural heritage to come up with the Dagupan History Book. It will coordinate with the National Commission on Culture and Arts for the book’s promotion.

Mayor Belen Fernandez said Dagupan is one of the cities with a rich history and cultural heritage worth preserving and promoting.

Dagupan, known as the country’s “bangus (milkfish) capital,” became a city by virtue of Republic Act 170 authored by then speaker Eugenio Perez and signed into law by President Manuel Roxas on June 20, 1947.

The newly created office will be chaired by lawyer Gonzalo Duque, with Fernandez as honorary chairman.

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