Makati fire victims get aid

MANILA, Philippines - Makati City Mayor Jejomar Erwin Binay ordered Monday the release of financial and material assistance to some 121 families in Barangay Tejeros which was hit by fire on Sunday night.

Makati Fire Marshal Ricardo Perdigon said the fire started at about 9:41 p.m. and reached the third alarm at 9:55 p.m.

Arson investigators are still probing the cause of the fire that razed some 40 houses. The blaze was put out at 10:37 p.m.

“I ordered the immediate release of all kinds of assistance for the victims to alleviate their mental and physical anguish,” Binay said.

"It is really devastating for anyone to lose possessions and properties, especially the dwelling of the family. Our City Social Welfare Department is already completing the interview and documentation to determine who will be given assistance,” he added.

Makati Social Welfare and Development chief Ryan Barcelo said the victims are presently sheltered at the open court in Batute St., Barangay Tejeros. He said the victims are undergoing standard registration and validation process to determine the legitimate recipients of financial assistance, as follows: P10,000 per family-homeowner, P5,000 for the renter, and P3,000 for the sharer.

Barcelo said the MSWD Disaster Response Team was immediately dispatched to the fire scene to provide primary assistance to the victims.

Tents have been put up in coordination with the city Engineering Department, while a community kitchen has been set up for the preparation of food for the victims. The city government also provided them boxes to secure their clothes and belongings, and cooking pots that they could use when they leave the evacuation area.

Barcelo said the MSWD also has trained personnel who can provide stress debriefing sessions for the victims. The department also provides games (for children) and other relaxing activities to lessen the mental anguish of the victims.

Meanwhile, the Makati Health Department also sent its ambulance team in District I composed of doctors and nurses to provide check up and medicine, as well as breastfeeding counselors, nutritionists.

Red Cross Makati, Barangay Tejeros officials and personnel, and Barangay Health Center personnel (barangay health workers) have also attended to the victims. The Engineering Department has also installed tents and tower lights, and provided industrial fans generators and portalets at the evacuation site.

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