PCOS machines down in La Paz

LA PAZ, Tarlac, Philippines – About 30 percent of precinct count optical scan (PCOS) machine in this town’s 21 barangays malfunctioned in last Monday’s balloting and technicians from the Commission on Elections (Comelec) came late, resulting in ballots filed on top of tables for viewing of other voters.

In most cases, ballots fed by voters to the PCOS machines were rejected, prompting precinct election officers to stop the use of the machines pending the arrival of the technicians.

Even without the use of the PCOS machines, voting continued and ballots cast were set aside to a table near the machines.

Meanwhile, vote buying here continued until election day, giving moneyed candidates a chance to buy votes before voters entered the school premises. Price per vote ranged from P500 to P1,000, targeting poor voters.

Mayoral candidate Heranio Manalo has filed vote buying charges against leaders of incumbent Mayor Michael Manuel.

A week before elections, candidates allegedly rounded up voters and brought them to a secluded place where they were paid.

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