Apayao village chief shoots teen

LA TRINIDAD,  Benguet  – A 46-year old barangay chairman in Conner town, Apayao province is now in hot water after he allegedly  shot a 15-year old high school student in Brgy. Buluan, also in Conner, Apayao Monday evening.

Mario Dueg Dognayon shot the teenager, his constituent, said Apayao provincial director  Senior Superintendent Albertito Garcia, when the victim ignored a checkpoint the village chief and a barangay tanod were manning.

The victim aboard his motorcycle tried to ram the village checkpoint, prompting  Dognayon to fire at him.

Abawag who bore a bullet wound on his arm was rushed to the Saint Paul Hospital, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan while the village chief reportedly fled.

The suspect's cal .45, pistol with brand name Astra,  was later surrendered by town councilor Nicolas Abawag to the police.

Policemen were able to corner the village chairman in barangay Calafug, Conner, and is now facing raps for  violation of election gun ban under Comelec Resolution 9561-A. 

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