Singson brods on DQ petition: A desperate move

VIGAN CITY, Philippines – Ilocos Sur Rep. Ryan Luis Singson, who is the Nacionalista Party’s gubernatorial bet in the May 13 elections, has dismissed as a “desperate move” the filing of a disqualification case against him and his brother, congressional bet Ronald Singson, by his opponent, Tagudin Mayor Roque Verzosa.

Verzosa, the Liberal Party’s candidate for governor, also charged the two sons of Gov. Luis “Chavit” Singson of vote buying. 

In a complaint he filed before the Comelec last Monday, Verzosa alleged that the Singson brothers gave away money that was utilized as prizes for activities held during the Nalasin barangay fiesta in Sto. Domingo town.

He said the Omnibus Election Code prohibits candidates from giving or receiving money for partisan political activity.

“It’s a desperate move by a losing candidate,” Ryan said. “I was not even there at the Nalasin fiesta, how could I give money during an event where I was not present?”     

For his part, Ronald said he and his brother have been posting big leads in all surveys.

“The point is we never engage in vote buying. We don’t do that because we don’t need to buy votes, as we are leading by a wide margin in all surveys,” he said.

Ronald’s disqualification was also sought earlier by his rival, lawyer Bertrand Baterina, LP congressional bet in the province’s first district.  

“Why does he not just campaign and present his programs of government,” said Ryan who was campaigning in his rival’s hometown when news broke out that Verzosa had sought his disqualification.   

He challenged Verzosa to show what he has done in Tagudin where he is now on his third term.

Ryan alleged that progress has been stalled in Tagudin for the past nine years, adding that he has done much more in the first district in the less than two years that he served as congressman.  

The Singson brothers said they have not received yet an official copy of Verzosa’s complaint.

“I’m in Tagudin right now,”, the NP bet told The STAR when contacted Tuesday. “There is no covered court, the roads are only one lane.”

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