Butuan voters willing to sell votes – survey

BUTUAN CITY, Philippines – Eight of 10 voters in this city are willing to sell their votes, according to a survey conducted by the Fr. Saturnino Urios University (FSUU).

Seven of 10 respondents claimed they knew almost all voters in the city are willing to sell their votes.

The last of the four surveys, conducted from April 24 to 30, by the FSUU Policy Center showed majority of the respondents which included adults, senior citizens and youth from the city’s 86 barangays are willing to accept money.

A third survey conducted last April 1 to 7 also showed 1,366 of 1,831 respondents expect money in exchange for their votes on election day.

Butuan City has 179,873 registered voters, up from 153,198 voters during the 2010 elections and in the last barangay elections.

The final survey also showed that 97.16 percent of the respondents would vote on May 13, while more than 35 percent expressed fear that the elections would be marred by technical problems on PCOS machines and fraud.            

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