MILF open to other groups leading Bangsamoro gov't


The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) is open to the possibility of other groups forming political parties to assume the leadership of the Bangsamoro government.

“Truth is that the MILF is not averse to groups like the politicians, or even the MNLF (Moro National Liberation Front) to form their respective political parties and try to get into power through the ballot,” MILF said in an editorial posted on its website

The MILF is a breakaway group of the MNLF, which forged a peace deal with the government in 1996.

“If they are successful they can lead the Bangsamoro government. The MILF will never stand on the way of these groups in leading our people,” MILF said.

The group made the statement a few days after government and MILF negotiators signed the annexes to the framework agreement on the Bangsamoro.

MILF said it is also willing to work with other groups to ensure the success of the negotiations.

“If any of these groups wants to coalesce with the MILF’s political party, in case this option is pursued, that can be a good try. Or better still: how about joining hands in moving the struggle ahead and the negotiation to successful conclusion,” it said.

“After all, everybody is welcome into the fold of the MILF. The only requirement is that one must abide by the rules of the organization where no one is above others.” 

MILF also gave assurance that it does not seek to grab power.

“The playing field will have to be leveled to stop the monopoly of powers in the hands of the (un)chosen few. The ordinary folks will have greater say on who run their realm. The rule of the guns, goons, and gold will gradually disappear. This is not an easy job, sure,” MILF said.

"It is in this light that the MILF wants to say that it is not out to grab power. Pursuit of power has never been in the agenda of its leadership,” it added.

MILF said a “radical alteration” in the political landscape will occur if the peace talks succeed. 

The Annex on Transitional Arrangements and Modalities were inked after the 36th round of formal exploratory talks in Kuala Lumpur from Feb. 25 to 27.

The annex details the road map towards the creation of the Bangsamoro region.

The region will replace the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, which President Aquino has described as “a failed experiment.”

Negotiators from both sides also signed the terms of reference for the Independent Commission on Policing. The commission will craft recommendations to the peace panels on the form, structures and relationships of the Bangsamoro police force.

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