Quezon mayor, councilor at odds over unpaid salaries

MAUBAN, Quezon, Philippines – A feud has erupted between this town’s mayor and a female councilor after the latter filed a contempt case in court against the former for allegedly refusing to release her salary despite a court order.

Mauban Regional Trial Court (RTC) officer-in-charge Arturo Mendioro told The STAR in a phone interview that no warrant of arrest for Mayor Fernando Llamas has been issued yet in connection with the case filed by councilor Liberty Beltran.

The dispute reportedly started after the May 2010 elections when Llamas opposed Beltran’s holding a seat in the municipal council. However, the Commission on Elections declared Beltran, a member of the Liberal Party, a winning councilor in August 2011.  

Llamas allegedly withheld Beltran’s salaries and allowances, which have accumulated to P130,000. Several petitions had been filed against Llamas until the local court issued a writ of execution ordering that Beltran be paid.

Mauban RTC Judge Rodolfo Obnamia Jr. had inhibited from the case, which was in turn raffled to Judge Dinah Evangeline Bandong of the 4th Judicial Region Branch 59 in Lucena City.

RTC Branch 59 officer–in-charge Teodora Parpana said there is still no arrest warrant for Llamas.

Parpana said that prior to Bandong’s leave last week, she was tasked to get the order for the judge’s signature.

She said she has seen the case folder wherein Beltran filed a motion for the issuance of an arrest warrant, but this is still scheduled for another set of hearings.

Parpana said Bandong’s leave ends on June 20.

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